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Names That Mean Ange

452 names found for "Ange"   (page 7 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Ange? We couldn't find the exact name Ange, but listed below are some first names meaning Ange or names similar to the word Ange.

Similar Names

Anak | Anas | Anees | Angus | Anis | Ance | Anci | Anga | Angie | Anice |

Related Names

Hirah  (Biblical)
Liberty, Anger
Hirah  (Biblical)
Liberty, Anger
Horonaim  (Biblical)
Angers, Ragings
Horonaim  (Biblical)
Angers, Ragings
Horonites  (Biblical)
Men of Anger; or of Fury; or of Liberty
Hubert  (Teutonic)
Mind Bright, Intellectual, Book-loving, Indulgent, He is Reserved With Strangers. (Hobart, Hoyt, Hubbard)
Huriyyah  (Muslim)
Ingall  (German)
Ingalls  (German)
Ingel  (German)
Ingelbert  (German)
Bright Angel
Inglebert  (German)
Variant of Engelbert: Bright As an Angel
Iphis  (Greek)
Hanged Himself Over Unrequited Love
Iphis  (Latin)
Lover Who Hanged Himself
Israel  (Hebrew)
May God Prevail. He Struggles With God. God Perseveres; Contends. in the Bible When Jacob Was in His Nineties As a Token of Blessing God Changed His Name to Israel
Jagur  (Biblical)
Husbandman; Stranger
Jebus  (Biblical)
Treading Under Foot; Manger
Jebusi  (Biblical)
Trodden Under Foot, Mangers
Jebusi  (Biblical)
Trodden Under Foot, Mangers
Jibril  (Arabic)
Jushabhesed  (Biblical)
Dwelling-place, Change of Mercy
Kaazim  (Muslim)
Variant of Kazim: Restrainer. Controller of Anger
Kangee  (Native American)
Raven (Sioux)
Kangee  (Native American)
Kasim  (African)
Controller of Anger
Kasim  (African)
Controller of Anger
Kazim  (Muslim)
Restrainer. Controller of Anger
Krodha  (Indian)
Kun  (Chinese)
Means Either 'Universe' or 'Mountain Range'
Lange  (Anglo Saxon)
Lange  (Dutch)
Langer  (Scandinavian)
Tall Man
Lorelei  (German)
'Temptress'; a Rocky Cliff on the Rhine River Dangerous to Boat Passage; the Lorelei Whose Singing Lures Men to Destruction
Lorenzo  (Spanish)
Laurence: from the Place of Laurel Trees. Lorenzo Was the Name of Jessica's Lover in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'. Lorenzo De' Medici Was a Patron of Michaelangelo and Da Vinci
Malachi  (Biblical)
'My Messenger, My Angel'
Malaika  (Arabic)
Malaika  (African)
Malak  (Muslim)
Mariana  (Shakespearean)
'All's Well That Ends Well.' Neighbour and Friend to the Widow of Florence 'Measure for Measure' Betrothed to Angelo
Matthew  (English)
Gift of God. Evolution of the Middle English Matheu, Which is Derived from Hebrew Matityah (Gift of God). The Name is Borne in the Bible by One of the Four Evangelists, the Author of the First Gospel.
Melangell  (Welsh)
Sweet Angel
Melek  (Arabic)
Michelangelo  (Italian)
Who is Like God an Angel
Mihangel  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Michael 'God Like'
Mikael  (Islamic)
Name of an Angel
Mitra  (Persian)
Angel's Name
Naathim  (Muslim)
Variant of Nathim: Arranger. Adjuster
Naazim  (Muslim)
Variant of Nazim: Arranger. Organizer
Naharai  (Biblical)
My Nostrils, Hot, Anger
Nathim  (Muslim)
Arranger. Adjuster
452 names found for "Ange"   (page 7 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Dolan | Teamhair | Winona | Hilda | Cammi | Royce | Beolagh | Axel | Sybill | Arnie | Tamir | Bily | Ulkifl | Kalan | Shuja' |