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Names That Mean Chan

334 names found for "Chan"   (page 5 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Chan? We couldn't find the exact name Chan, but listed below are some first names meaning Chan or names similar to the word Chan.

Similar Names

Cain | Cam | Can | Cana | Cein | Chaim | Cham | Chaman | Chanan | Chane |

Related Names

Gaganachandra  (Hindu)
The Moon in the Sky
Gershon  (Biblical)
His Banishment; the Change of Pilgrimage
Gobbo  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Launcelot Gobbo, a Clown, Servant to Shylock. Also Old Gobbo, Launcelot's Father
Gratiano  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonio and Bassanio. 'The Tragedy of Othello' Nobleman of Venice, Brother of Brabantio
Gregory  (English)
On the Watch. As the First of Gregory Popes Pope Gregory Fostered the Development of Gregorian Chants. See Also Greg. Gregorio: (Ltalian/Spanish/Portuguese) 'On the Watch.'
Gurbachan  (Indian)
promise of the guru
Halfon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalfon: Change
Halloesh  (Biblical)
Saying Nothing; an Enchanter
Halphon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalfon: Change
Ham  (Hebrew)
Hot. One of the Sons of Noah in the Old Testament Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Fath
Haniel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chaniel: God's Grace
Hanniel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chaniel: God's Grace
Hanoch  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chanoch: Devoted; Initiating
Harischandra  (Indian)
Name of a King
Heleph  (Biblical)
Changing, Passing Over
Heleph  (Biblical)
Changing, Passing Over
Hemachandra  (Hindu)
Golden Moon
Hemachandra  (Indian)
golden moon
Ighneachan  (Irish)
Variant of Eigneachan: Strong Man
Imrah  (Biblical)
A Rebel, Waxing Bitter, Changing
Imrah  (Biblical)
A Rebel, Waxing Bitter, Changing
Israel  (Hebrew)
May God Prevail. He Struggles With God. God Perseveres; Contends. in the Bible When Jacob Was in His Nineties As a Token of Blessing God Changed His Name to Israel
Jachan  (Biblical)
Wearing Out, Oppressing
Jachan  (Biblical)
Wearing Out, Oppressing
Jess  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Jessica: Rich. God Beholds. The Daughter of Shylock in Shakespeare's Play 'The Merchant of Venice'
Jessica  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Daughter to Shylock
Jessica  (Hebrew)
Rich. God Beholds. The Daughter of Shylock in Shakespeare's Play 'The Merchant of Venice'
Jibril  (Arabic)
Jushabhesed  (Biblical)
Dwelling-place, Change of Mercy
Kanchan  (Hindu)
Name of Sage
Kanchana  (Indian)
Kanchana  (Hindu)
Kramoris  (Czechoslovakian)
Krischanr  (Greek)
Kulapati  (Hindu)
Kyle  (Scottish)
Strait. Channel. Narrow. Used As Both a Surname and First Name
Lachina  (Scottish)
Land of the Lochs; a Feminine Form of Scottish Lachlan and Lachann (Land of the Lochs), Which are Derived from Lochlann, a Name That Originated As a Term Referring to Migrant Norwegians Who Came from
Lalitchandra  (Indian)
beautiful moon
Leonardo  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Servant to Bassanio
Lochan  (Hindu)
Lochana  (Indian)
Lochana  (Hindu)
Lorenzo  (Italian)
Laurence: from the Place of Laurel Trees. Lorenzo Was the Name of Jessica's Lover in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'
Lorenzo  (Spanish)
Laurence: from the Place of Laurel Trees. Lorenzo Was the Name of Jessica's Lover in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'. Lorenzo De' Medici Was a Patron of Michaelangelo and Da Vinci
Lorenzo  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' a Young Man in Love With Jessica, Shylock's Daughter
Madhuchandra  (Hindu)
Honey Moon
Melechan  (Arthurian Legend)
Mordred's Son
Meraioth  (Biblical)
Bitterness, Rebellious, Changing
Mercer  (French)
Mercer  (English)
334 names found for "Chan"   (page 5 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Lateef | Deetra | Hita | Larena | Zamir | Alviss | Dollie | Abed | Qihael | Emil | Marella | Miren | Andreas | Corbett | Augusta |