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Names That Mean Chan

334 names found for "Chan"   (page 7 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Chan? We couldn't find the exact name Chan, but listed below are some first names meaning Chan or names similar to the word Chan.

Similar Names

Cain | Cam | Can | Cana | Cein | Chaim | Cham | Chaman | Chanan | Chane |

Related Names

Tarachand  (Hindu)
Silver Star
Tarachand  (Hindu)
Taxiarchai  (Greek)
Tomas  (Gaelic)
A Twin; Gaelic Form of Thomas. Variations: Tomag. Pet Name: Tomachan. (To-mahs)
Trilochan  (Hindu)
Having Three Eyes
Trilochan  (Indian)
one with three eyes, Shiva
Trilochana  (Hindu)
Three Eyed
Trilochana  (Indian)
three eyed
Tubal  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' a Friend to Shylock
Tychicus  (Biblical)
Casual, by Chance
Tychicus  (Biblical)
Casual, by Chance
Udayachandra  (Hindu)
Rising Moon
Uilleam  (Gaelic)
Resolute Protector; Gaelic Form of William. Variations: Uilliam. Pet Names: Uilleachan, Uillidh. (Wil-lem)
Vachan  (Hindu)
Varian  (Latin)
Fickle, Changeable
Vashni  (Biblical)
The Second, Changed, a Tooth
Vashni  (Biblical)
The Second, Changed, a Tooth
Venice  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' the Duke of Venice. 'The Tragedy of Othello' the Duke of Venice
Vincentio  (Shakespearean)
'Measure for Measure' the Duke. 'The Taming of the Shrew' Vincentio, a Merchant of Pisa
Virochan  (Hindu)
Bali's Father
Virochan  (Indian)
moon, fire
Vivian  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Viviana  (Latin)
In Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin
Viviana  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianna  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianna  (Latin)
Variant of Vivien. in Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin
Vivianne  (English)
Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Malory's 'Mort D'Arthur'. Also Merlin's Enchantress
Vivianne  (Latin)
Variant of Vivien. in Malory's Mort D'Arthur Vivien Was the Lady of the Lake; Also the Enchantress of Merlin
Vsna  (Cambodian)
Vychan  (Welsh)
Wylie  (Anglo Saxon)
Yaminichandra  (Hindu)
Night Moon
Zeredah  (Biblical)
Ambush, Change of Dominion
Zeredah  (Biblical)
Ambush, Change of Dominion
334 names found for "Chan"   (page 7 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Willard | Sarah | Yu | Mickey | Iduna | Machnadebai | Thord | Glynda | Mutaqaddim | Caycee | Deganawidah | Chad | Nessa | Faulconbridge | Treasa |