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Names That Mean Chan

334 names found for "Chan"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Chan? We couldn't find the exact name Chan, but listed below are some first names meaning Chan or names similar to the word Chan.

Similar Names

Cain | Cam | Can | Cana | Cein | Chaim | Cham | Chaman | Chanan | Chane |

Related Names

Mercer  (Latin)
Mercer  (English)
Mercer  (French)
Mercer  (English)
Morgan  (Arthurian Legend)
Enchantress Half Sister of Arthur
Morgana  (Arthurian Legend)
Enchantress Half Sister of Arthur
Morocco  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' the Prince of Morocco, Suitor to Portia
Nagachandra  (Hindu)
Name of a Poet
Naveenachandra  (Hindu)
Moon in the Sky
Nerissa  (Greek)
Sea Nymph. Nerissa Was a Character in Shakespeare's Play, 'The Merchant of Venice'
Nerissa  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Portia's Waiting-maid
Nilalochan  (Hindu)
One With Blue Eyes
Pedro  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' the Prince of Arragon, Suitor to Portia. 'Much Ado About Nothing' Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon
Phyllis  (Greek)
Leafy Foliage; Green Bough. in Greek Legend, Phyllis Was Changed to an Almond Tree After Her Death, and Bore No Leaves Until Her Lover Returned
Pison  (Biblical)
Changing, Extension of the Mouth
Pison  (Biblical)
Changing, Extension of the Mouth
Poornachandra  (Hindu)
Full Moon
Portia  (Latin)
An Offering. Portia Was a Heroine in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'
Portia  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Wife of Brutus. 'The Merchant of Venice' a Rich Heiress, Pursued by Bassanio
Pranav  (Hindu)
Omkara Mantra, Holy Chantings
Pravachan  (Hindu)
Holy Text
Rachana  (Hindu)
Rajeevalochan  (Hindu)
Raphael  (Hebrew)
God Heals; God's Healer. Raphael Was Also the Name of One of the Archangels, As Mentioned in the Apocrypha. Famous Bearer: Renaissance Painter Raphael (Raffaelo Santi)
Rochan  (Indian)
red lotus, bright
Rygemann  (English)
Rye Merchant
Ryman  (English)
Rye Merchant
Saahir  (Muslim)
Variant of Sahir: Charming. Enchanting. Wakeful
Sahar  (Muslim)
Dawn. Enchantment. Fascination
Sahir  (Muslim)
Charming. Enchanting. Wakeful
Salerio  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonio and Bassanio
Sarah  (Hebrew)
Princess. in the Bible, Sarah Was the Wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac. Her Name Was Originally Sarai (Quarrelsome), But God Commanded That Her Name Be Changed to Sarah Before the Birth of Her Son
Sarai  (Hebrew)
Contentious; Sarah's Name in the Bible Before it Was Changed. Origin: Hebrew
Seanachan  (Irish)
Wise One
Senir  (Biblical)
Bed-candle, Changing
Senir  (Biblical)
Bed-candle, Changing
Shen  (Biblical)
Tooth, Ivory, Change
Shen  (Biblical)
Tooth, Ivory, Change
Shinab  (Biblical)
Father of Changing
Shoshannim  (Biblical)
Those That Shall Be Changed
Shoshannim  (Biblical)
Those That Shall Be Changed
Shunem  (Biblical)
Their Change, Their Sleep
Shunem  (Biblical)
Their Change, Their Sleep
Shuni  (Biblical)
Changed, Sleeping
Shylock  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' a Rich Jew Who Loans Money to Antonio
Sihar  (Muslim)
Enchantment. Fascination
Siodhachan  (Irish)
Little Peaceful One
Solanio  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Friend to Antonio and Bassanio
Stephano  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Servant to Porita. 'The Tempest' a Drunken Butler
Talus  (Greek)
Mechanical Man Made by Hephaestus
334 names found for "Chan"   (page 6 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Jussi | Josilyn | Ivah | Durga | Lukas | Jake | Aren | Ishaq | Naam | Belshazzar | Rica | Zihna | Kulya | Ceire | Darnell |