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Meaning of the Name Elli

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The first name Elli is of Hebrew, Norse origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hebrew: Devoted to God
Norse: Mythical Giant

Similar Names

Elah | Eli | Elia | Elie | Ella | Elohi | Eloy | Elul | Ely | Elya |

Related Names

Cassidy  (Irish)
Intelligent; from Caiside; Curly-headed
Cato  (Latin)
Intelligent; Shrewd
Caton  (Latin)
Variant of Cato: Intelligent; Shrewd
Cedric  (English)
Cedric Was a Character in Sir Walter Scott's Novel Ivanhoe. Possibly Derived from a Misspelling of Cerdic, a King of Wessex, or from the Welsh Cedrych, Meaning Bounty-pattern
Cedrych  (English)
Variant of Cedric: Cedric Was a Character in Sir Walter Scott's Novel Ivanhoe. Possibly Derived from a Misspelling of Cerdic, a King of Wessex, or from the Welsh Cedrych, Meaning Bounty-pattern
Chay  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Fairy Dwelling
Chelsey  (English)
Chloe  (Native American)
Intelligent, Wise, Serious
Colin  (Latin)
Dove, Bold, Sentimental, Passionate, Good Looks, But Moderate Intelligence
Cong  (Chinese)
Cong  (Chinese)
Intelligent, Clever
Cuinn  (Irish)
Wise; Intelligent
Curt  (English)
A Diminutive of Curtis, Meaning Courteous, or an Alternative Spelling of Kurt or Cort
Daanaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Dana: Wise. Intelligent
Dana  (Muslim)
Wise. Intelligent
Darrea  (Greek)
Luxurious, Wealthy, Queenly (Alternate Spelling of Daria)
Davin  (Norse)
Davyn  (Norse)
Delling  (Norse)
Delling  (Scandinavian)
Dellinger  (Scandinavian)
Dellingr  (Norse)
Denholm  (English)
Valley Island. Derived from a Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer: British Actor Denholm Elliott
Dheemant  (Hindu)
Variant of Dhimani: Intelligent; Smart
Dhimani  (Hindu)
Intelligent; Smart
Dhimant  (Hindu)
Variant of Dhimani: Intelligent; Smart
Diataria  (Native American)
Intelligent, Pretty in the Face
Dillon  (Irish)
Like a Son. from an Irish Surname Derived from the Old German First Name Dillo. Also Used As a Variant Spelling of Dylan, Meaning 'Like a Lion.'
Dominique  (French)
Of the Lord. from the Latin Dominic. This French Spelling is Used Primarily for Girls
Duke  (English)
The Royalty Title Used As Nickname or Given Name. Also an Abbreviation of Marmaduke. Famous Bearer: American Jazz Musician Duke Ellington
Eberta  (Teutonic)
Ecgbeorht  (English)
Egbert  (Teutonic)
Formidably Intelligent
Egbert  (English)
Intelligent. Old English 'Ecg', Meaning Sword, and 'Beorht', Meaning Bright. Famous Bearer: King Egbert of Wessex, Who Held Sway Over All the Kingdoms of England for a Short Part of His Reign
Einri  (Teutonic)
Elbert  (Teutonic)
Nobly Intelligent
Elberta  (Teutonic)
Eleanor  (French)
Mercy, or Full of Mercy (Ella, Ellen, Ellie,
Eli  (Norwegian)
Light (Elli, Ellie, Elly)
Elijah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is God; Compassionate, Intellectual, Acute, Often a Brilliant Speaker. (Eli, Elia, Elias, Eliot, Elliott, Ely)
Elina  (Hindu)
Elinor  (French)
A Variant Spelling of Eleanor. Famous Bearers: Elinor Was One of the Heroines in Jane Austen's Novel 'sense and Sensibihiy'
Eliot  (English)
Variant of Elliot: God on High; My God is Jehovah. from a Surname Derived from a Medieval Abbreviation of the Greek Elias. Variant of Elijah
Eliott  (English)
Variant of Elliot: God on High; My God is Jehovah. from a Surname Derived from a Medieval Abbreviation of the Greek Elias. Variant of Elijah
Elisabeth  (French)
Consecrated to God. The Usual Spelling of Elizaheth in Continental Europe
Elison  (English)
Variant of Ellison: Ellis' Son
Elizabeth  (Hebrew)
God's Solemn Oath, Resolute, Affectionate, Intelligent. (Bess, Bessie, Beth, Bette, Betsy, Bettina, Betty, Bitsy, Elisabeth, Nisabette, Eliza, Elsa, Else, Elspeth, Elite, Libbie, Libby, Lisbeth, Lit,
Ellia  (English)
Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen
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Additional Names

Karly | Gauri | Avarona | Needah | Christina | Boc | Zahur | Elsie | Geirmund | Karkitak | Karpur | Erwyna | Lili | Kiril | Shawnae |