Looking for names that mean Elli? We couldn't find the exact name Elli, but listed below are some first names meaning Elli or names similar to the word Elli.
Kay(English) Variant of the Latin: Gaius; an Alternative Spelling of Cai. Sir Kay Was a Knight of King Arthur's Round Table. The Name Kay Also Appeared in Hans Christian Andersen's Story 'The Snow Queen'
Kellicka(Latin) Strong Willed: Caring and Loving. Good Charm Sensitive
Kellie(Irish) Variant of Kelly: War. Lively. Aggressive. an Irish Surname That Has Only Been Used As a First Name (Either Gender) in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Kellie(Scottish) Variant of Kelly: Wood. Surname and Place Name That Has Only Been Used As a First Name (Either Gender) in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Kellie(Scottish) Variant of Kelly: Wood. Surname and Place Name That Has Only Been Used As a First Name (Either Gender) in the Latter Half of the Th Century
Kellie(Irish) Variant of Kelly: War. Lively. Aggressive. an Irish Surname and Modern First Name
Kellina(Scottish, Irish) Strong Willed: Caring and Loving Good Charm