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Names That Mean Elli

479 names found for "Elli"   (page 9 of 10) 

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Looking for names that mean Elli? We couldn't find the exact name Elli, but listed below are some first names meaning Elli or names similar to the word Elli.

Similar Names

Elah | Eli | Elia | Elie | Ella | Elohi | Eloy | Elul | Ely | Elya |

Related Names

Nimrah  (Biblical)
Leopard, Bitterness, Rebellion
Nimrah  (Biblical)
Leopard, Bitterness, Rebellion
Nimrim  (Biblical)
Leopard, Bitterness, Rebellion
Nimrim  (Biblical)
Leopard, Bitterness, Rebellion
Nimrod  (Biblical)
Notcher  (Teutonic)
Compelling Spear
Notker  (Teutonic)
Compelling Spear
Nuha  (Muslim)
Nykoal  (English)
Another Spelling for Nicole
Oberon  (English)
In a Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare Altered the Spelling to Auberon, King of the Fairies, to Oberon
Oberon  (German)
Noble and Bear-like. in a Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare Altered the Spelling of Auberon (King of the Fairies) to Oberon
Otto  (Teutonic)
Rich, Conceited, Intelligent, Energetic, Women Do Not Admire Him
Pellikita  (Latin)
Pellinore  (Arthurian Legend)
Name of a King
Perizzites  (Biblical)
Dwelling in Villages
Perizzites  (Biblical)
Dwelling in Villages
Poll  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Polly  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Prajna  (Hindu)
Intelligent Girl
Preostcot  (English)
From the Priest's Dwelling
Prescott  (English)
From the Priest's Dwelling
Prudence  (English)
Cautious, Intelligent
Prunellia  (Latin)
Prunellie  (French)
Color of Plum
Qamar  (Muslim)
The Moon. Satellite
Quin  (Irish)
Quinn  (Irish)
Counsel; Intelligent
Rabi  (Islamic)
Fragrant, Sweet Smelling Breeze
Rambert  (German)
Mighty or Intelligent
Ramhart  (German)
Mighty or Intelligent
Reginheraht  (German)
Mighty or Intelligent
Roland  (Teutonic)
Fame of the Land, Dour, Faithful, Intelligent, Stern
Senga  (Scottish)
The Name Formed Either by Spelling Agnes Backward or As a Derivative of the Gaelic Seang (Slender, Lanky). See Agnes. (Sen-gah)
Senga  (Scottish)
Backward Spelling of Agnes: Pure; Chaste
Sherene Aquila  (Islamic)
Sweet & Intelligent
Skyelar  (English)
Phonetic Spelling of Schuyler
Skylar  (English)
Phonetic Spelling of Schuyler
Skyler  (English)
Phonetic Spelling of Schuyler
Skylor  (English)
Phonetic Spelling of Schuyler
Somatra  (Indian)
Excelling the moon/font>
Somatra  (Hindu)
Excelling the Moon
Sorcha  (Irish)
Bright; Intelligent
Sur  (Biblical)
That Withdraws or Departs, Rebellion
Sur  (Biblical)
That Withdraws or Departs, Rebellion
Tappuah  (Biblical)
Apple, Swelling
Tappuah  (Biblical)
Apple, Swelling
Thelma  (English)
This Name Was Invented by British Writer Marie Corelli, Who Gave it to Her Heroine in Her Novel 'Thelma' . it May Be Based on the Greek Word for Will
Tomo  (Japanese)
Knowledge, Intelligence
Tor  (Arthurian Legend)
Son of Pellinore
Toshiro  (Japanese)
Talented; Intelligent
479 names found for "Elli"   (page 9 of 10) 

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Additional Names

Igraine | Jacy | Vardit | Latif | Guy | Alma | Napolean | Muneer | Alison | Levene | Ighneachan | Meleda | Abdallah | Amedia | Fanny |