Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.
Danette(Hebrew) Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danette(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Daney(English) From Denmark. Also a Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dani(Spanish) Feminine of Daniel: God Judges. God Will Judge
Dania(English) From Denmark. Also a Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danice(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Daniele(Hebrew) Feminine Form of Daniel: God is My Judge
Daniella(Hebrew) Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danielle(French) Feminine Form of Daniel, Meaning God Has Judged, or God is Judge
Danielle(Hebrew) Feminine Form of Daniel: God is My Judge
Danielle(Hebrew) God is My Judge. Feminine Form of Daniel
Danila(Hebrew) Feminine Form of Daniel: God is My Judge
Danise(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danita(Hebrew) Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danita(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danitza(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danna(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannalee(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannee(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannell(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannelle(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danni(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannia(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dannon(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Dantina(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danuta(Hebrew) Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Dany(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danya(English) Feminine Variant of Daniel: God Will Judge
Danya(Hebrew) Feminine Form of Daniel: God is My Judge
Dara(Hebrew) Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darah(Hebrew) Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Dareen(Hebrew) Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Daria(Latin) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darian(Latin) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darianna(Latin) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darice(Hebrew) Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Dariele(Latin) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darielle(Latin) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darienne(Latin) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darina(Czechoslovakian) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darissa(Hebrew) Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darra(Hebrew) Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darrah(Hebrew) Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Darrelle(Latin) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name
Darya(Russian) Feminine of Darius; a Persian Royal Name