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Names That Mean Emini |
1410 names found for "Emini" (page 11 of 29) << | < | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | > | |
Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.
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Feminine Form of David: Beloved or Friend, Adopted from the Hebrew. David Was a Common Name of Scottish Kings in the Middle Ages

Beloved or Friend. Feminine Form of David.Feminine Form of David: Beloved or Friend, Adopted from the Hebrew

Feminine Form of David: Beloved or Friend, Adopted from the Hebrew. David Was a Common Name of Scottish Kings in the Middle Ages

Feminine Form of Decimus: Tenth. This Name Was Often Given to the Tenth Child in Large Families

Feminine Form of Dennis: from the Latin Dionysos or Dionysus, Referring to the Greek God of Wine

Diminutive of Denise: the Feminine Form of Dennis, from the Latin Name Dionysia, or the Greek Dionysus

Feminine Form of Dion: a Variant of Dennis, Derived from Dionysius, the Greek God of Wine. Also from the Sacred Spring. The Mythological Dione Was Wife to Zeus and Mother of Aphrodite

Feminine Form of Dion: a Variant of Dennis, Derived from Dionysius, the Greek God of Wine. Also from the Sacred Spring. The Mythological Dione Was Wife to Zeus and Mother of Aphrodite

Feminine Form of Dominic: from Dominkus, Meaning 'Of the Lord'. Famous Bearer: St Dominic Founded the Dominican Order of Preaching Friars

World Ruler; a Feminine Form of Donald, Which is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Variations: Donella, Dolanna, Dolena, Dolina. Short: Donna, Ina, Lena, Lina. (Don-al-dah)

Feminine Form of Donald: from the Gaelic Domhnall, Meaning World Mighty. Famous Bearer: Walt Disney's Cartoon Character Donald Duck

Feminine Form of Donald: from the Gaelic Domhnall, Meaning World Mighty. Famous Bearer: Walt Disney's Cartoon Character Donald Duck

World Ruler; a Feminine Diminutive Form of Donald, an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Short Forms: Donna. Pet Names: Doileag, Dolag, Dollag. (Don-nah)

Of the Sea. Also Feminine Form of Dorian: of Doris, a District of Greece; or of Doros, a Legendary Greek Hero

Diminutive of Etheldreda: from the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Diminutive of Eldreda: the Feminine Form of Eldred, Which is a Variant of Aldred, Meaning Old Counsel, or
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