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Names That Mean Emini

1410 names found for "Emini"   (page 15 of 29) 

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Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.

Similar Names

Eman | Emi | EmIyn | Eoin | Emene |

Related Names

Georgina  (Greek)
A Feminine Form of the Greek George, Meaning Tiller of the Soil, or Farmer
Georgitte  (French)
Feminine Form of George
Geovana  (Italian)
Feminine of John. Gift from God
Germaine  (French)
Feminine Form of Jermaine: 'German' or 'From Germany', from the French Word, Germain. Famous Bearer: S Feminist Writer Germaine Greer
Germaine  (Latin)
Feminine of Germain. Derives from a Roman Name Meaning 'Brotherly
Gerry  (English)
Diminutive of Geraldine: a Feminine Form of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Famous Bearer: the Earl of Surrey Wrote a Series of Love Poems Titled, 'The Fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Gilberta  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Gilbert: Derived from the Name Gilbride, Meaning 'servant of St. Bridget'
Gilbertine  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Gilbert: Derived from the Name Gilbride, Meaning 'servant of St. Bridget'
Gillian  (English)
Child of the Gods. A Feminine Form of Julian, Meaning Jove's Child
Gillian  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. Variant of Juliana
Giordana  (Italian)
Feminine of Jordan. The Jordan River
Giovana  (Italian)
Feminine of John. Gift from God
Giovanna  (Italian)
Feminine Form of Giovanni: Gift from God
Gladys  (French)
Variant of Claudia: a Feminine Form of Claud, a Variant of the Latin Claudium Meaning Lame. Claudia Was Mentioned in the Book of Timothy in the New Testament, and Has Been Common in the English-speaki
Glenna  (Gaelic)
Feminine Form of Glen or Glenn, Derived from the Gaelic 'Gleana', Meaning Valley, or from the Glen
Glenna  (Scottish)
Mountain Valley, a Narrow; a Feminine Form of Glenn, a Name Derived from the Gaelic Gleann. (Glen-nah)
Grima  (Norse)
Feminine Form of Grim
Guillelmina  (Italian)
Feminine Form of William: Resolute Protector
Gulielma  (Italian)
An Italian Feminine Form of William, Meaning Resolute or Determined Protector
Gulielma  (German)
Feminine Form of William: Will-helmet
Gussie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George
Gussie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Augustina: the Feminine Form of Augustine
Gust  (Dutch)
Feminine Form of Gustaaf
Gusta  (Dutch)
Feminine Form of Gustaaf
Gusta  (Latin)
Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George
Hanne  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Hans
Harleen  (English)
Meadow of the Hares. Feminine of Harley
Harlie  (English)
Meadow of the Hares. Feminine of Harley
Harriet  (French)
Variant of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Harriet  (English)
Rules the Home. Feminine Form of Harry (From Henry). Famous Bearer: Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin, ). A Variant of Henrietta
Harriet  (English)
Home Ruler, Ruler of an Estate; Derived from the French Henriette, a Feminine Diminutive of Henri. Variations: Harriette. Pet: Hattie. (Har-ree-el)
Harriet  (Scottish)
Home Ruler, Ruler of an Estate; Derived from the French Henriette, a Feminine Diminutive of Henri. Also Used to Anglicize Gaelic Oighrig (Good Voice?)
Harriett  (French)
Rules Her Household. Feminine of Harry from Henry
Hattie  (English)
Rules the Home. Diminutive of Harriet. Feminine of Harry from Henry
Hatty  (English)
Rules the Home. Diminutive of Harriet. Feminine of Harry from Henry
Hennie  (French)
Diminutive of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Henny  (French)
Diminutive of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Henrietta  (English)
Ruler of an Enclosure, Home Ruler; Derived from the English Henrietta Which is Again Derived from the French Henriette, a Feminine Diminutive Form of Henri. Pet: Hattie, Hettie. (Hen-ree-eh-tah)
Henrietta  (French)
Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Henrietta  (German)
Feminine Form of Henry: Home or House Ruler
Henrika  (Swedish)
Feminine Form of Henry: Rules the Home
Henriqua  (Spanish)
Feminine Form of Henrique: Rules the Home
Hermia  (Greek)
Well Born. Stone. Feminine Form of Hermes. A Character in Shakespeare's Play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Herminia  (Latin)
Feminine of Herman
Hermione  (Greek)
Well Born. Stone. Feminine Name Derived from Hermes. in Greek Mythology, Hermione Was the Daughter of King Menelaus of Sparta and Helen of Troy
Hetty  (French)
Diminutive of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Hippolyta  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Hippolytus: Horse Let Loose. Queen of the Amazons. A Character in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Horatia  (English)
Feminine Form of Horace: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius
Horatia  (Italian)
Timekeeper. The Feminine Form Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius
Hortense  (English)
Garden. Variant of Hortensia: Derived from the Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius
1410 names found for "Emini"   (page 15 of 29) 

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Additional Names

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