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Names That Mean Emini |
1410 names found for "Emini" (page 8 of 29) |
Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.
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Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man or Manly. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine

Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man or Manly. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine

Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man or Manly. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine

Feminine of Charles Meaning Manly. Variant of Charmain, One of Cleopatra's Attendants

Feminine of Charles Meaning Manly. Variant of Charmain, One of Cleopatra's Attendants

Feminine of Charles Meaning Manly. Variant of Charmain, One of Cleopatra's Attendants

Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine. Famous Bearers: Princess Charlotte, Daughter of King George Iv; British Writer Charlotte Bronte

Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher

Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher

Diminutive of Christine: a Variant of Christina. in the S, Christine Was One of the Three Most Common Feminine Names in Britain. Famous People: American Tennis Player Chris Lloyd

Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher

Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher

Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher

Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River

Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher

A Christian, a Follower of Christ; Feminine Form of Christian. Variations: Christine; Cairistine, Cairistiona (Gaelic). Short: Ina. Pet Names: Chirsty, Chrissie, Kirstie. (Kris-tee-nah)

A Variant of Christina. in the S, Christine Was One of the Three Most Common Feminine Names in Britain. Famous People: American Tennis Player Chris Lloyd Was Born Christine Evert

Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher

Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River

Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ

Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River

Diminutive of Christian: Follower of Christ. Chris is Used As a Diminutive of Many Masculine and Feminine Names Beginning With Chris-, Including Christian, Christina, Christine, and Christopher

Variant of Cecilia: a Feminine Form of Cecil, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Caecilius, Which is Based on the Latin 'Coccus' Meaning 'Blind'

Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher

Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo

Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher

Diminutive of Christie: Diminutive of Any Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Diminutive of Cecilia: a Feminine Fo

Diminutive of Christie: Diminutives of Any Masculine or Feminine Name Begining With Christ-, for Example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher