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Names That Mean Emini |
1410 names found for "Emini" (page 1 of 29) |
Looking for names that mean Emini? We couldn't find the exact name Emini, but listed below are some first names meaning Emini or names similar to the word Emini.
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Feminine of Adam, Meaning Red, a Reference to Either the Red Skin or the Red Earth from Which the Old Testament Adam Was Created (Genesis :)

Feminine Form of Adrian, from the Latin Hadrianus Meaning of Adria, or of the Adriatic. Also Means Dark

Feminine Form of Adrian, from the Latin Hadrianus Meaning of Adria, or of the Adriatic. Also Means Dark

Feminine Form of Adrian, from the Latin Hadrianus Meaning of Adria, or of the Adriatic. Also Means Dark

This Name of Uncertain Origin May Be a Feminine Form of Man, or Derived from the Irish Gaelic Word for 'Child'

This Name of Uncertain Origin May Be a Feminine Form of Man, or Derived from the Irish Gaelic Word for 'Child'

Feminine Form of Albert from the Old German Adalbert Meaning Noble and Bright. The Canadian Province Alberta Was Named for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's Daughter Princess Louise Alberta, Who Was

Feminine Form of Albert from the Old German Adalbert Meaning Noble and Bright. Albert Became Popular in England After Queen Victoria Married Prince Albert in Noble, Bright

Feminine Form of Albert from the Old German Adalbert Meaning Noble and Bright. Albert Became Popular in England After Queen Victoria Married Prince Albert In

Feminine Form of Albin: from the Latin Albinus, Meaning White.Variant of Alban: from Albanus Meaning 'Of Alba', the Ancient Latin City Alba Longa, Whose Name Derives from Albus Meaning White

A Feminine Form of Albin, Borne by a 3rd-century Saint. The Name Was Popular in Britain in the Th and Th Centuries

Feminine Form of Albin: from the Latin Albinus, Meaning White.Variant of Alban: from Albanus Meaning 'Of Alba', the Ancient Latin City Alba Longa, Whose Name Derives from Albus Meaning White

Feminine Form of Albin: from the Latin Albinus, Meaning White.Variant of Alban: from Albanus Meaning 'Of Alba', the Ancient Latin City Alba Longa, Whose Name Derives from Albus Meaning White

White. A Feminine Form of Albin, Introduced into Britain from Italy. The Name Was Frequently Used by Members of the Aristocratic Cecil Family and Their Descendants

Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, from an Old German Name Meaning Elf Counsel Was Originally Used for Both Sexes, But is Now Regarded As a Feminine Name

Feminine Form of Aldo: Originally an Old German Name Meaning Old. Popular in Italy and Among North American Families of Italian Descent. Aldo Was a Saint