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Names That Mean Fath

421 names found for "Fath"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Fath? We couldn't find the exact name Fath, but listed below are some first names meaning Fath or names similar to the word Fath.

Similar Names

Fadi | Fahd | Faidh | Fateh | Fathi | Faith | Faithe | Fate | Fathia | Fayth |

Related Names

Aeetes  (Latin)
Medea's Father
Aegion  (Shakespearean)
'The Comedy of Errors' Father to the Twin Brothers Antipholus of Ephesus, and Antipholus of Syracuse
Aegyptus  (Greek)
King of Egypt; Father of the Danaides
Aeson  (Greek)
Father of Jason in Ancient Greek Mythology
Aeson  (Latin)
Father of Jason
Affan  (Islamic)
Father of Khalifa Usman
Afi  (Norse)
Agabus  (Biblical)
A Locust, the Father's Joy or Feast
Agabus  (Biblical)
A Locust, the Father's Joy or Feast
Ahab  (Biblical)
Uncle; or Father's Brother
Aholiab  (Biblical)
The Tent of the Father
Ahsalom  (Hebrew)
Father of Peace
Aksel  (Danish)
Father of Peace
Aksel  (German)
Father of Peace
Aksel  (Hebrew)
Father of Peace
Aksel  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Axel: Father of Peace
Aldnous  (Latin)
Father of Nausicaa
Aloeus  (Greek)
Father of Giants
Amlawdd  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Goieuddydd
Ampyx  (Greek)
Father of Mopsus
Anarawd  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Iddig
Anchises  (Greek)
Father of Aeneas in Ancient Greek Mythology
Anchises  (Latin)
Father of Aeneas
Anguysh  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Isolde
Annar  (Norse)
Father of the World
Antipatris  (Biblical)
For, or Against the Father
Antipatris  (Biblical)
For, or Against the Father
Antonio  (Shakespearean)
'Two Gentlemen of Verona' Father to Proteus. 'The Merchant of Venice' the Merchant. 'Much Ado About Nothing' Brother to Governor of Messina. 'The Tempest' the Usurping Duke of Milan. 'Twelfth Night' (
Antor  (Arthurian Legend)
Foster Father of Arthur
Anwas  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Twrch
Apekaloma  (Hawaiian)
Peaceful Father
Apelahama  (Hawaiian)
Father to Many (Hawaiian Variant of Abraham)
Apia  (Hawaiian)
God is My Father
Apsel  (German)
Father of Peace
Apsel  (Scandinavian)
Father of Peace
Aram  (Hebrew)
Father of a Multitude
Athamas  (Greek)
Father of Phrixus and Helle
Atreus  (Greek)
Father of Agamemnon in Ancient Greek Mythology
Atreus  (Latin)
Father of Agamemnon
Atticus  (English)
Auctor  (Arthurian Legend)
Foster Father of Arthur
Aulay  (Scottish)
Ancestor; Forefather. A Variant of Olaf Which Derives from the Scottish Gaelic Amhblaibh
Avagail  (Hebrew)
My Father Rejoices. Biblical; the Name of King David's Third Wife Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form
Avalloc  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Modron
Avi  (Hebrew)
My God; Father
Avia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aviah: My Father is Lord
Aviah  (Hebrew)
My Father is Lord
Avichai  (Hebrew)
My Father is Alive
Avidan  (Hebrew)
God is Just; Father
Avidor  (Hebrew)
Father of a Multitude
421 names found for "Fath"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Rae | Ethanim | Shaka | Logistilla | Torey | Aralt | Jabal | Ingrid | Cetus | Alexia | Maureen | Bruna | Damyen | Leon | Sudhakar |