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Names That Mean Fath

421 names found for "Fath"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Fath? We couldn't find the exact name Fath, but listed below are some first names meaning Fath or names similar to the word Fath.

Similar Names

Fadi | Fahd | Faidh | Fateh | Fathi | Faith | Faithe | Fate | Fathia | Fayth |

Related Names

Jovann  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovanna  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Jovanni  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovanny  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovany  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovena  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Jovi  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovin  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovina  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Jovita  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Jovito  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jovon  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Joziah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Healed. Biblical Josiah Became King of Judah at Eight After His Father Was Assassinated. He Ruled Years
Junior  (Latin)
Younger. Used in the United States to Distinguish a Son from His Father, When Both Bear the Same Name
Jupiter  (Biblical)
The Father That Helpeth
Kanelinqes  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Tristan
Kauravya  (Hindu)
A Naga King Father
Kavera  (Hindu)
A Sage, Kaveri's Father
Kenelm  (English)
Defends the Family. from Old English Words for 'Brave' and 'Helmet'. in the Th Century, St. Kenelm Was Murdered by His Sister After the Death of His Father, King Coenwulf of Mercia. This Name is Used
Kesi  (Egyptian)
Born of a Troubled Father
Kian  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Lugh
Kleopatra  (Greek)
Glory of the Father
Kodran  (Norse)
Father of Thjodgerd
Kunigargya  (Hindu)
Father of Sulabha
Laban  (Hebrew)
White. in the Bible, Laban Was the Brother of Isaac's Wife Rebekah and the Father of Jacob's Wives Leali and Rachel. This Name Was Popular With Puritans in the Th Century, But is Rarely Used Today
Laertes  (Greek)
Father of Odysseus
Laius  (Greek)
Father of Oedipus
Laomedon  (Greek)
Father of Priam
Laomedon  (Latin)
Father of Priam
Laudegrance  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Guinevere
Leodegan  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Guinevere
Leodegraunce  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Guinevere
Levi  (Hebrew)
Attached or Pledged. Joined. Levi; Third ' of Jacob's Sons; Became Father of the Tribe That Was Assigned Priestly Duties. Note: This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc
Loe  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Erec
Mac an Aba  (Gaelic)
Son of the Father or Abbott
MacNab  (Gaelic)
Son of the Father or Abbott
Mani  (Norse)
Father of Ketil
Manu  (Indian)
founder father of human beings
Mattison  (English)
The Same As Madison, But Could Be Named After a Father Named Matthew
Meliadus  (Arthurian Legend)
Tristan's Father
Meliodas  (Arthurian Legend)
Tristan's Father
Menoeceus  (Greek)
Father of Jocasta
Metabus  (Latin)
Father of Camilla
Milan  (Shakespearean)
'Two Gentlemen of Verona' the Duke of Milan, Father to Silvia
Miranda  (Latin)
Worthy of Admiration; Wonderful. Young Innocent Girl in Shakespeare's the Tempest Raised and Educated on an Isolated Island by Magician Father
Moab  (Biblical)
Of His Father
Montague  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Marquis of Montague. 'The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet' Romeo's Father, Head of the Montague House, at Variance With the Capulets
Mynogan  (Celtic)
Mythical Father of Beli
Nereus  (Greek)
Father of the Nereids
Neued  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Tringad
421 names found for "Fath"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Additional Names

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