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Names That Mean Fath

421 names found for "Fath"   (page 1 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Fath? We couldn't find the exact name Fath, but listed below are some first names meaning Fath or names similar to the word Fath.

Similar Names

Fadi | Fahd | Faidh | Fateh | Fathi | Faith | Faithe | Fate | Fathia | Fayth |

Related Names

Abagtha  (Biblical)
Father of the Wine-press
Aballach  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Modron
Abarran  (Basque)
Father of a Multitude
Abarrane  (Basque)
Feminine for Abraham; Father of a Multitude (Abarne)
Abarrane  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Abraham. Father of Many
Abarron  (Hebrew)
Father of a Multitude
Abba  (Hebrew)
Abba  (Arabic)
Abba  (Biblical)
Abbey  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abigail: Father Rejoiced, or Father's Joy. Gives Joy. The Intelligent, Beautiful Abigail Was Old Testament King David's Third Wife, Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form
Abbie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abigail: Father Rejoiced, or Father's Joy. Gives Joy. The Intelligent, Beautiful Abigail Was Old Testament King David's Third Wife, Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form
Abbie  (Hebrew)
Father of Joy
Abboid  (Gaelic)
Abbey Father
Abbot  (Hebrew)
Abbot  (English)
Abbey Father
Abbott  (English)
Abbey Father
Abbott  (Hebrew)
Abby  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abigail: Father Rejoiced, or Father's Joy. Gives Joy. The Intelligent, Beautiful Abigail Was Old Testament King David's Third Wife, Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form
Abe  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Abe  (Hebrew)
Father of a Multitude
Aberahama  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apelahama: Father to Many (Hawaiian Variant of Abraham)
Abesaloma  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apekaloma: Peaceful Father
Abi  (Biblical)
My Father
Abi-albon  (Biblical)
Most Intelligent Father
Abia  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apia: God is My Father
Abia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aviah: My Father is Lord
Abiah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Aviah: My Father is Lord
Abiah  (Biblical)
The Lord is My Father
Abiasaph  (Biblical)
Consuming Father; Gathering
Abiathar  (Biblical)
Excellent Father; Father of the Remnant
Abidah  (Biblical)
Father of Knowledge
Abidan  (Biblical)
Father of Judgment
Abiel  (Hebrew)
God is My Father
Abiel  (Biblical)
God My Father
Abiezer  (Biblical)
Father of Help
Abigail  (Biblical)
The Father's Joy
Abigail  (Hebrew)
A Father's Joy, Affectionate, Sincere, Sympathetic
Abigail  (Hebrew)
Father Rejoiced, or Father's Joy. Gives Joy. The Intelligent, Beautiful Abigail Was Old Testament King David's Third Wife, Described As 'Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form.' in the Play the Scor
Abigail  (Irish)
Father Rejoiced. Origin: Hebrew
Abihail  (Biblical)
The Father of Strength
Abihu  (Biblical)
He is My Father
Abihud  (Biblical)
Father of Praise; Confession
Abijah  (Biblical)
The Lord is My Father
Abijah  (Hebrew)
The Lord is My Father
Abijam  (Biblical)
Father of the Sea
Abilene  (Biblical)
The Father of Mourning
Abimael  (Biblical)
A Father Sent from God
Abimelech  (Biblical)
Father of the King
Abimelech  (Hebrew)
Father is King
Abinadab  (Biblical)
Father of a Vow; or of Willingness
421 names found for "Fath"   (page 1 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Emmott | Bromleigh | Farrin | Ryann | Uchdryd | Nikodem | Kaushik | Kitty | Barton | Jenica | Khaldun | Reinhelda | Germaine | Derbe | Kiyo |