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Names That Mean Friend

607 names found for "Friend"   (page 2 of 13) 

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Looking for names that mean Friend? We couldn't find the exact name Friend, but listed below are some first names meaning Friend or names similar to the word Friend.

Related Names

Alvina  (English)
Wise Friend. Friend of the Elves. Feminine Form of Alvin: from the Old English Aetheiwine, and Also Aefwine, Both Meaning Noble Friend. Various Forms of Alvin in Use After the Norman Conquest Became S
Alvina  (Hebrew)
Feminine of Alvin Meaning Wise Friend
Alvino  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alvy  (German)
Intelligent or Noble Friend
Alvyn  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alvyn  (English)
Wise Friend
Alwin  (German)
Noble Friend
Alwin  (English)
Wise Friend
Alwyn  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alwyn  (English)
Wise Friend
Alwynn  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Ames  (French)
Ami  (French)
Amice  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved. Also a French Form of the Latin Amico, Meaning Friend
Amicia  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved. Also a French Form of the Latin Amico, Meaning Friend
Amicia  (Latin)
Latinized Form of the French Amice, Which is from the Latin Amico Meaning Friend
Amite  (French)
Friend. Friendship
Amitee  (French)
Friend. Friendship
Amity  (Latin)
Amity  (English)
Amity  (Latin)
Amity  (French)
Friend. Friendship
Amycus  (Greek)
Friendly. Son of Poseidon in Greek Mythology
Anees  (Muslim)
Companion. Genial. Close Friend
Aneesah  (Muslim)
Variant of Anisah: Close. Intimate. Good Friend. Friendly. of Good Company
Anis  (Islamic)
Friendly, Sociable, Kind (Anees)
Anis  (Muslim)
Variant of Anees: Companion. Genial. Close Friend
Anisah  (Muslim)
Close. Intimate. Good Friend. Friendly. of Good Company
Anise  (Arabic)
Ansar  (Islamic)
Friend, Patron, Supporter
Archibald  (Teutonic)
Holy Prince, Obstinate, Sensual, Egotistic, Kind and Helpful to His Friends
Arv  (German)
Diminutive of Arvin: Friend of the People
Arvid  (German)
Variant of Arvin: Friend of the People
Arvid  (English)
Arvie  (German)
Diminutive of Arvin: Friend of the People
Arvie  (English)
The People's Friend
Arvin  (German)
Friend of the People
Arvin  (Teutonic)
Friend of the People
Arvin  (German)
Friend to All
Arvin  (English)
The People's Friend
Arvis  (English)
The People's Friend
Arvon  (English)
The People's Friend
Arvy  (German)
Diminutive of Arvin: Friend of the People
Arwin  (English)
The People's Friend
Arwin  (German)
Variant of Arvin: Friend of the People
Arwyn  (English)
The People's Friend
Arwyn  (German)
Variant of Arvin: Friend of the People
Ashwin  (English)
Spear Friend
Ashwyn  (English)
Spear Friend
Aswin  (English)
Friend With a Spear
607 names found for "Friend"   (page 2 of 13) 

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Additional Names

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