Looking for names that mean Friend? We couldn't find the exact name Friend, but listed below are some first names meaning Friend or names similar to the word Friend.
Jedidiah(Hebrew) Beloved of the Lord. Friend of the Lord. Beloved of Jehovah. in the Bible the Blessing Name Jedidiah Was Given King Solomon in Infancy
Jennicka(English) Derived from Jessica? the Contributor of This Nae: My Friend Could Not Say Jessica and it Came Out Jennicka That it is How My Sister Got Her Name
Jonathan(English) God Has Given;Derived from the Hebrew Yonatan Which is Derived from Yehanatan (Yahweh Has Given). The Name is Borne in the Bible by the Eldest Son of King Saul and a Close Friend of David. Variatons:
Lancelot(English) Servant. God-like. Also a Diminutive of Lance. in Arthurian Legend, Sir Lancelot Was King Arthur's Close Friend and a Knight of the Round Table. A Central Theme in Arthurian Legend is the Adulterous L
Lateefah(Muslim) Variant of Latifah: Gentle. Kind. Pleasant. Friendly
Latifa(Muslim) Variant of Latifah: Gentle. Kind. Pleasant. Friendly