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Names That Mean King

1309 names found for "King"   (page 9 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean King? We couldn't find the exact name King, but listed below are some first names meaning King or names similar to the word King.

Similar Names

Kong | Kunz | Kianga | Kanga |

Related Names

Dennis  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Dennison  (Greek)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Denny  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Sir Anthony Denny
Denny  (English)
Variant of Dionysius. Dionysius is the Mythological Greek God of Wine Responsible for Growth of the Vines and the Originator of Winemaking: (Equivalent to the Roman God Bacchus.)
Derby  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Sir John Stanley. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Sir William Stanley. 'King Richard Iii' Lord Stanley, Called Also Earl of Derby
Dermot  (Irish)
Free from Envy. from Diarmait or Diarmuid. Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish King Dermot Macmurrough
Devendra  (Indian)
king of gods
Devraj  (Indian)
king of gods
Dhaigham  (Muslim)
Lion. King of Jungle
Dharinipal  (Hindu)
Dharmendra  (Indian)
king of religion
Diane  (French)
The French Form of the Latin Diana. Famous Bearer: Diane De Poitiers, Mistress of France's King Henri Ii.Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Dep
Dianne  (French)
The French Form of the Latin Diana. Famous Bearer: Diane De Poitiers, Mistress of France's King Henri Ii.Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Dep
Dickran  (Armenian)
Name of a King
Dikran  (Armenian)
Name of a King
Dilip  (Hindu)
A King of Surya Vamsha
Dilip  (Indian)
a king, ancestor of Rama
Dina  (Scottish)
A Short Form of Murdina (Sea Warrior) and Rodina (Famous King). Dina is Also Used As an Independent Given Name. (Dina)
Diomedes  (Greek)
An Evil King
Doll  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Doll Tearsheet, a Woman at the Boar's Head in Eastcheap
Don  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Donald: Great Cheif, World Mighty. from the Gaelic Domhnall. The Name Donald Has Been Borne by a Number of Early Scottish Kings. Famous Bearers: Billionaire Donald Trump; Actor Donald Su
Donalbain  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Younger Son of King Duncan
Donald  (Scottish)
Great Cheif, World Mighty. from the Gaelic Domhnall. The Name Donald Has Been Borne by a Number of Early Scottish Kings. Famous Bearers: Billionaire Donald Trump; Actor Donald Sutherland
Donaldo  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald: Great Cheif, World Mighty. from the Gaelic Domhnall. The Name Donald Has Been Borne by a Number of Early Scottish Kings. Famous Bearers: Billionaire Donald Trump; Actor Donald Suthe
Donalt  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald: Great Cheif, World Mighty. from the Gaelic Domhnall. The Name Donald Has Been Borne by a Number of Early Scottish Kings. Famous Bearers: Billionaire Donald Trump; Actor Donald Suthe
Donn  (Irish)
Brown. in Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known As King of the Underworld
Donn  (English)
In Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known As King of the Underworld
Donne  (English)
Form of Donn. in Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known As King of the Underworld
Donnie  (English)
Form of Donn. in Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known As King of the Underworld
Donny  (English)
Diminutive of Donald: from the Gaelic Domhnall, Meaning World Mighty. Also a Form of Donn. in Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known As King of the Underworld
Donny  (Gaelic)
Form of Donn. in Mythology the Irish Donn Was Known As King of the Underworld
Dophkah  (Biblical)
A Knocking
Dophkah  (Biblical)
A Knocking
Dorothy  (English)
Gift of God. A Variant of Dorothea and the Most Common Form of the Name in English- Speaking Countries. Famous Bearer: the Young Heroine of 'The Wizard of Oz', Played by Judy Garland in the Film
Dorset  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Marquis of Dorset, Son of Edward's Queen
Dot  (English)
Diminutive of Dorothy: Gift of God. A Variant of Dorothea and the Most Common Form of the Name in English- Speaking Countries. Famous Bearer: the Young Heroine of 'The Wizard of Oz', Played by Judy Ga
Dougal  (Irish)
From the Gaelic Dubhgall, Meaning Dark Stranger. Daugal Was the Nickname the Irish Gave to the Vikings
Douglas  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Archibald, the Earl of Douglas
Drupad  (Hindu)
King of Pachala
Dugald  (Irish)
Variant of Dougal: from the Gaelic Dubhgall, Meaning Dark Stranger. Daugal Was the Nickname the Irish Gave to the Vikings
Dumain  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Lord Attending on King Ferdinand
Duncan  (Scottish)
From the Irish Name Donnchadh, Meaning Brown Warrior. Famous Bearer: the Scottish King Duncan I Was Murdered by Macbeth In
Duncan  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Duncan, King of Scotland, Murdered by Macbeth
Durell  (Scottish)
King's Doorman
Eadbert  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Ebed-melech  (Biblical)
The King's Servant
Ebed-melech  (Biblical)
The King's Servant
Ecgfrith  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a King
Edalene  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Noble, King
Edaline  (English)
Noble, King
1309 names found for "King"   (page 9 of 27) 

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Additional Names

Kiwidinok | Britani | Upwode | Izazkun | Broga | Vick | Bina | Kendel | Yanni | Eyton | Eustasius | Nadyuiska | Alger | Marlinda | Hobart |