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Names That Mean Rance

224 names found for "Rance"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Rance? We couldn't find the exact name Rance, but listed below are some first names meaning Rance or names similar to the word Rance.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangey | Rangy | Renke | Renze | Rinc | Ryence | Ranica | Ranice |

Related Names

Celeste  (French)
This French Name is Based on the Latin Caelestis Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celeste  (French)
This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning Heavenly. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestina  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin Caelestis Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestina  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Celestine  (French)
Variant of Celeste : This French Name is Based on the Latin 'Caelestis' Meaning 'Heavenly'. Used As Both a Masculine and Feminine Name in France
Charles  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Charles the Sixth, Dauphin and Afterwards King of France. 'As You Like It' Wrestler to Frederick
Chatillon  (Shakespearean)
'King John' Ambassador from France to King John
Clarance  (English)
Variant of Clarence: Clear
Colvile  (French)
Variant of Colville: Place Name in France
Colvill  (French)
Variant of Colville: Place Name in France
Colville  (French)
Place Name in France
Darrance  (English)
Blend of Darell and Clarence
Dawn  (English)
Aurora. The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak. Dawn. from the English Word Dawn
Dawna  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawne  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnelle  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnetta  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnette  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnielle  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dawnika  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Dax  (French)
A Town in Southwestern France Dating from Before the Roman Occupation
Derrance  (English)
Blend of Darell and Clarence
Diane  (French)
The French Form of the Latin Diana. Famous Bearer: Diane De Poitiers, Mistress of France's King Henri Ii.Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Dep
Dianne  (French)
The French Form of the Latin Diana. Famous Bearer: Diane De Poitiers, Mistress of France's King Henri Ii.Divine. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Dep
Dorrance  (English)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Dorrance  (Irish)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Eliphalet  (Biblical)
The God of Deliverance
Elpalet  (Biblical)
The God of Deliverance
Ethanael  (American)
God Given Endurance
Fan  (Latin)
Diminutive of Frances: from France, or Free One. Feminine of Francis. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Frances Burney and Actress Frances Kemble
Fanceen  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Fanni  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Fannia  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Fannie  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Fanny  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances. Derived from Frances. Famous Bearer: the Fictional Heroine of John Cleland's 'Fanny Hill'
Fanny  (Latin)
Diminutive of Frances: from France, or Free One. Feminine of Francis. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Frances Burney and Actress Frances Kemble
Fantine  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Forum  (Hindu)
Fran  (Latin)
Diminutive of Francis: Meaning from France, or Free One
Fran  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
Franca  (Spanish)
A Dimunitive of Francisca, Derived from the Latin Francis, Meaning French, from France, or Free One
France  (Shakespearean)
'All's Well That Ends Well.' the King of France. 'Tragedy of King Lear' King of France
France  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
France  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' the Princess of France
France  (French)
From France
Francena  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francene  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Frances  (Teutonic)
Frances  (Latin)
Frances  (English)
A Feminine Form of Franceis. (Fran-ses)
224 names found for "Rance"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Binge | Cronan | Jeanelle | Miletum | Westley | Guy | Marilda | Araminta | Darrick | Natesa | Aqdas | Jamielee | Lina | Sameer | Pearl |