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Names That Mean Rance

224 names found for "Rance"   (page 5 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Rance? We couldn't find the exact name Rance, but listed below are some first names meaning Rance or names similar to the word Rance.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangey | Rangy | Renke | Renze | Rinc | Ryence | Ranica | Ranice |

Related Names

Sinon  (Biblical)
A Breast-plate, Deliverance
Sinon  (Biblical)
A Breast-plate, Deliverance
Surabhi  (Hindu)
Wish-yielding Cow, Fragrance
Surabhi  (Indian)
Wish-yielding cow, fragrance
Temperance  (English)
Temperance. One of the Qualities Adopted As a First Name by the Puritans After the Reformation
Terence  (English)
Old Form of the Roman Clan Name Terrance
Terence  (Irish)
Old Form of the Roman Clan Name Terrance
Terrance  (English)
Roman Clan Name
Terrance  (Latin)
Roman Clan Name
Terron  (English)
Blend of Terrance and Darren (Darren, Taran, Terran)
Terry  (English)
Abbreviation of Terrance and Terrell. Terry is Also an Anglicized Phonetic Form of the French Given Name Thierry from an Older Germanic Name Meaning 'Powerful; Ruler of the People.'
Tiffany  (Greek)
Appearance of God (Tiffi, Tiffy, Tifanie, Tiffani, Tyffany)
Tonderayi  (Shona)
Tori  (American)
From Torrance or Victoria
Torrance  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Form of Terence
Torrance  (Gaelic)
From the Knolls
Torrance  (Irish)
From the Knolls
Torrance  (Scottish)
Variant of Torrence 'From the Craggy Hills.' Tor is a Name for a Craggy Hilltop and Also May Refer to a Watchtower
Vera  (Slavonic)
Faith, Sensible, Affectionate, Pleasant Appearance and Simple Manners. (Verochka)
Zach  (Hebrew)
Remembrance of the Lord
Zachariah  (Hebrew)
Remembrance of the Lord (Zac, Zach, Zacariah, Zacharias, Zachary)
Zacharich  (Hebrew)
Remembrance of the Lord, Humble, Devout, Kindly
Zachary  (Hebrew)
Remembrance of the Lord
Zack  (Hebrew)
Remembrance of the Lord

Additional Names

Atyaananda | Odo | Labib | Sterling | Lsss | Annys | Freyja | Raimund | Glenda | Almer | Clinton | Jesper | Stasio | Imanol | Mireya |