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Names That Mean Rance

224 names found for "Rance"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Rance? We couldn't find the exact name Rance, but listed below are some first names meaning Rance or names similar to the word Rance.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangey | Rangy | Renke | Renze | Rinc | Ryence | Ranica | Ranice |

Related Names

Frances  (Latin)
Frances  (English)
A Feminine Form of Franceis. (Fran-ses)
Francesca  (Teutonic)
Francesca  (Latin)
Francesca  (Latin)
Variant of Frances: from France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Frances Burney and Actress Frances Kemble
Francesca  (Italian)
Derived from the Latin Frances Meaning French, or Free One. Famous Bearer: Th Century Roman Noblewoman St Francesca Romana (St Frances of Rome), British Actress Francesca Annis
Francesco  (Italian)
Derived from the Latin Francis Meaning French or Free One
Francesco  (Latin)
Variant of Francis: from 'Franciscus' Meaning Frenchman. Famous Bearers: St Francis of Sales Who is Patron Saint of Writers, St Francis of Assisi Who Founded the Franciscan Order of Friars, Navigator
Francessca  (French)
Franci  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Francia  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Francie  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Francie  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
Francille  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francina  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francine  (Latin)
Variant of Frances: from France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Frances Burney and Actress Frances Kemble
Francine  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francine  (French)
Form of Frances
Francis  (Latin)
Frenchman (Fran, Franc, France, Francois, Frankie, Franz)
Francisca  (Latin)
Variant of Frances: from France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Frances Burney and Actress Frances Kemble
Francisca  (Spanish)
Variant of Frances Meaning French, from France, or Free One
Franciszka  (Polish)
Polish Form of Frances: Free One
Franco  (Italian)
Diminutive of Francesco: Derived from the Latin Francis Meaning French or Free One
Francoise  (French)
Feminine of Francis Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Frangag  (Gaelic)
From France; a Gaelic Derivation of Frances. (Fran-sas)
Frank  (Latin)
Diminutive of Francis: Meaning from France, or Free One
Franki  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Frankie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Francis: Meaning from France, or Free One
Frankie  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Frankie  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
Frannie  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
Franny  (Latin)
From France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances
French  (American)
From France
Gaston  (French)
From Gascony, France
Genevieve  (French)
White Wave; Patron Saint of Paris, France, Saved Paris from Atila the Hun
Giverny  (French)
Town in France
Gwilenhin  (Welsh)
Legendary King of France
Halia  (Hawaiian)
Remembrance of a Loved One
Haruka  (Japanese)
Far, Spring Fragrance
Iona  (Welsh)
Legendary King of France
Isabel  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Queen of France
Jericho  (Hebrew)
Sweet Fragrance
Kaori  (Japanese)
Kasumi  (Japanese)
Mist, Fragrance Clear
Katharine  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Queen Katharine, Wife to King Henry, Afterwards Divorced. 'Love's Labours Lost' a Lady Attending on the Princess of France
Katherine  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Daughter to Charles and Isabel, King and Queen of France
Keturah  (Hebrew)
Fragrance. Sacrifice. Abraham's Second Wife in the Old Testament. A Name Commonly Used by Puritans After the Reformation
Lacey  (American)
From Normandy, France
Laudegrance  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Guinevere
Leodegrance  (French)
224 names found for "Rance"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Agurtzane | Anurati | Uni | Shahina | Jaxon | Shammee | Diti | Amo | Gretchen | Farhan | Sapna | Zereld | Anaiah | Zoraya | Azia |