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Names That Mean Rand

234 names found for "Rand"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Rand? We couldn't find the exact name Rand, but listed below are some first names meaning Rand or names similar to the word Rand.

Similar Names

Ramond | Randy | Ranit | RenT | Randi | Rind | Rinda | Rond | Ronda |

Related Names

Crandall  (English)
From the Crane Valley
Crandell  (English)
From the Crane Valley
Dante  (Italian)
A Diminutive of Durante, the Italian Form of Durand Meaning Enduring. Famous Bearer: the Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote 'The Divine Comedy' With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's
Dante  (Latin)
Variant of Durand: Enduring
Dolph  (German)
From the Name Randolph
Durand  (Latin)
A Lasting Friend
Durand  (Latin)
Endures; Lasts
Durand  (English)
Firm; Enduring
Durand  (French)
Firm; Enduring
Durant  (Latin)
Variant of Durand: Endures; Lasts
Durante  (Italian)
Enduring. The Italian Form of the Latin Durand
Ema  (Spanish)
Emma  (Teutonic)
Grand-mother, Meternal, Emotional, Patient, Marries Early
Ena  (English)
Variant of Ina: a Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Enos  (Hebrew)
Man. The Old Testament Enos Was a Grandson of Adam and Eve
Enygeus  (Arthurian Legend)
Grandmotber of Percival
Erasmus  (Greek)
Desired or Beloved, Worthy of Love. Famous Bearer: St Erasmus (St. Elmo) is the Patron Saint of Sailors, for Whom St Elmo's Fire is Named; Charles Darwin's Grandfather, British Physician and Poet Eras
Ernie  (English)
A Diminutive of Ernest Sometimes Used As an Independent Name. Also, in England, 'Ernie' Refers to the Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment Which Selects Winning Premium Bond Numbers
Errando  (Basque)
Bold Venture
Farand  (French)
Variant of Ferrand: Gray-haired
Farrand  (French)
Variant of Ferrand: Gray-haired
Farrant  (French)
Variant of Ferrand: Gray-haired
Ferrand  (French)
Ferrant  (French)
Variant of Ferrand: Gray-haired
Frandscus  (Teutonic)
Frandszk  (Polish)
Polish Form of Fraads 'Free'
Gais  (Arthurian Legend)
Percival's Grandfather
Glais  (Arthurian Legend)
Percival's Grandfather
Grand  (English)
Grand, Superior
Grandpre  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' a French Lord
Grant  (Scottish)
A Surname Derived from the Anglo-french Ground, Graunt (Great) and the Old French Grand, Grant (Great). The Name Originated As a Nickname for a Large or Tall Person. (Grant)
Grant  (French)
Great, Grand (Grantham, Grantley, Grenville)
Grant  (Scottish)
Originally a Scottish Surname Derived from the French 'Grand', Meaning Tall or Great. Now Common Both As a Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearer: American President Ulysses S. Grant
Gudbrand  (Norse)
Weapon of the Gods
Gudbrande  (Norse)
Weapon of the Gods
Gussie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George
Gusta  (Latin)
Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George
Haashim  (Muslim)
Variant of Hashim: Name of Prophet Mohammed's Grandfather. Old Arabic Name. Generosity
Hashim  (Muslim)
Name of Prophet Mohammed's Grandfather. Old Arabic Name. Generosity
Hassan  (All Nationalities)
Handsome, Grandson of the Prophet
Hassan  (Muslim)
Handsome. Beautiful. Early Imam (Leader) of Islam; Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
Hassan 'Askaree  (Muslim)
Early Imam (Leader) of Islam; Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
Hassan 'Askari  (Muslim)
Variant of Hassan 'Askaree: Early Imam (Leader) of Islam; Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
Hebe  (Greek)
Youth. in Greek Mythology, Goddess of Youth and Cupbearer to the Gods. Granddaughter of Zeus and Hera
Hildbrand  (German)
War Sword
Hildebrand  (German)
Battle Sword
Hildebrand  (Teutonic)
Battle Sword
Hildebrandt  (Teutonic)
Battle Sword
Hildehrand  (German)
War Sword
Husain  (Muslim)
Variant of Hussain: Beautiful. Handsome. Early Imam (Leader) of Islam; Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
234 names found for "Rand"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Len | Zenda | Turner | Xiang | Audrey | Malia | Euan | Janna | Wilfred | Ekaterina | Rekha | Ravant | Aesoburne | Morio | Anissa |