Hussain(Muslim) Beautiful. Handsome. Early Imam (Leader) of Islam; Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
Hussein(Muslim) Variant of Hussain: Beautiful. Handsome. Early Imam (Leader) of Islam; Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
Ina(English) A Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' (Ie. Christina) Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Jalaal(Muslim) Variant of Jalal: Grandeur. Glory. Glory of the Faith
Jalal(Muslim) Variant of Jelal: Loftiness. Sublimity. Glory. Also Grandeur, Glory, Glory of the Faith
Jerande(English) Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Maverick(English) When a Nineteenth-century American Named Maverick Refused to Brand His Calves As Other Ranchers Did; His Name Came to Signify an Independent Man Who Avoids Conformity
Mavrick(English) When a Nineteenth-century American Named Maverick Refused to Brand His Calves As Other Ranchers Did; His Name Came to Signify an Independent Man Who Avoids Conformity
Mira(Latin) Diminutive of Miranda or Mirabel: Worthy of Admiration; Wonderful; Marvelous
Miranda(Latin) Worthy of Admiration; Wonderful. Young Innocent Girl in Shakespeare's the Tempest Raised and Educated on an Isolated Island by Magician Father
Miranda(Latin) To Be Admired, Gentle, Unassuming, Beautiful, Suited for an Early Marriage
Miranda(Shakespearean) 'The Tempest' Daughter to Prospero
Omar(Hebrew) Eloquent. Speaker. The Grandson of Esau in the Old Testament. Famous Bearers: Th Century Persian Poet and Astronomer and Mathematician Omar Khayyam; Caliph Omar Ii, Who Made Islam an Imperial Power; A