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Names That Mean Rand

234 names found for "Rand"   (page 5 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Rand? We couldn't find the exact name Rand, but listed below are some first names meaning Rand or names similar to the word Rand.

Similar Names

Ramond | Randy | Ranit | RenT | Randi | Rind | Rinda | Rond | Ronda |

Related Names

Randi  (English)
Wolf Shield
Randilyn  (American)
Protected Waterfall
Randkin  (English)
Little Shield
Randolf  (Teutonic)
Wise Power
Randolph  (English)
House Wolf, Protector. Mythological Wolf Was Esteemed for Courage
Randolph  (Teutonic)
House-wolf, Other Forms are Rafe, Ralph, Arrogant, Humorous, Domineering
Randolph  (English)
Strong Shield
Randolph  (English)
Wolf With a Shield
Randolph  (Teutonic)
Wolf's Shield. from the Emblem Painted on a War Shield
Randon  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Randson  (English)
Son of Rand
Randy  (English)
Diminutive of Randolph. 'House Wolf; Protector.' Mythological Wolf Was Esteemed for Courage
Randy  (English)
From the Name Randolph
Randy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Miranda or Mirabel: Worthy of Admiration; Wonderful; Marvelous
Randy  (English)
Shield, Shortened for of Randolph
Ransom  (English)
Son of Rand
Ranulf  (Scottish)
Scottish Form of Randolf (Shield Wolf). The Name, Introduced by the Scandinavians, is Derived from the Old Norse Randulfr, a Compound Name Composed from the Elements Rand, Rond (The Edge or Rim of a S
Rendall  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Rendell  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Rond  (Muslim)
Variant of Rand: Tree of Good Scent
Ronda  (Welsh)
Ruth  (Hebrew)
Companion; Friend; Vision of Beauty. in the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess Was the Great Grandmother of King David
Ruthie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Ruth: Companion; Friend; Vision of Beauty. in the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess Was the Great Grandmother of King David
Salome  (Hebrew)
Peace. Tranquil. in the Bible, Salome Was the Granddaughter of Herod the Great Who Asked for the Head of John the Baptist in Return for Dancing for Her Stepfather on His Birthday
Shankara  (Indian)
Sibt  (Muslim)
Grandson. Tribe
Sicheii  (Native American)
Grandfather (Navajo)
Thangbrand  (Norse)
A Missionary
Thrand  (Norse)
Brother of Eyvind the Easterner
Traigh  (Irish)
Travis  (English)
Crossing; Crossroads; Toll Gate. in Use As Both a Surname and a First Name. Famous Bearers: American Country Music Stars Randy Travis and Travis Tritt
Trey  (English)
Three. Also a Variant of Irish Traigh 'strand'
Valdis  (Norse)
Daughter of Thorbrand
Yngvild  (Norse)
Mother of Bishop Brand
234 names found for "Rand"   (page 5 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Adelphie | Marshall | Vanda | Jensine | Jennessa | Jason | Shunem | Rosemarie | Peer | Vallis | Bialy | Hanna | Aroha | Jeezer | Mjolnir |