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Names That Mean Rian

6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 10 of 129) 

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Looking for names that mean Rian? We couldn't find the exact name Rian, but listed below are some first names meaning Rian or names similar to the word Rian.

Similar Names

Raihan | Ram | Rane | Rani | Ren | Rhun | Rinan | Rion | Roan | Roane |

Related Names

Alisz  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Alice 'Honest'
Alix  (English)
Variant of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Alix  (French)
A Variant of Alice Meaning Noble. Also a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Mankind
Aliyyah  (Muslim)
Variant of Aliyah: Exalted. Highest Social Standing
Aliz  (Hebrew)
Variant of Alitz: Happy
Aliz  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Alice 'Honest'
Allaire  (French)
Cheerful; Glad. Variant of Hilary
Allan  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Allayne  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Allen  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Allena  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Allene  (Celtic)
Fair, Good-looking. Feminine of Allen or Variant of Helen
Alleyn  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Alleyne  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Alli  (Arabic)
Greatest. A Variant of Allah - the Supreme Being in the Muslim Faith
Allie  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Alistair: a Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Allie  (Arabic)
Greatest. A Variant of Allah - the Supreme Being in the Muslim Faith
Allie  (French)
Diminutive of Alison: A Variant of Alice Meaning Nobility. Now Particularly Popular in Scotland
Allin  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Allina  (Latin)
Of the Nobility. Variant of Adelina
Allison  (English)
Variant of Alice: of the Nobility. from the German Adalheidis Meaning Nobility, and the French Adeliz Which is a Form of Adelaide
Allison  (French)
A Variant of Alice Meaning Nobility. Now Particularly Popular in Scotland
Allissandre  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Allistair  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Allister  (Gaelic)
Leader; Variant of Alexander (Alaster)
Allister  (Scottish)
Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Allister  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Allistir  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Allon  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Ally  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Alistair: a Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Ally  (French)
Diminutive of Alison: A Variant of Alice Meaning Nobility. Now Particularly Popular in Scotland
Allyn  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Allyse  (English)
Variant of Alice
Allyson  (French)
Variant of Alice
Allyson  (English)
Variant of Alice
Almaas  (Muslim)
Variant of Almas: Diamond. Adamant
Almili  (Gaelic)
Work; Gaelic Form of Amelia, Which is an English Variant of the Germanic Amalia. (Aim-ee-lee). (Ain-jeh-lah)
Alohilani  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Alohalani: Full of Compassion
Aloisi  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Aloiki: Renowned War
Aloisia  (French)
Feminine Form of Aloysius: a French Provincial Variant of Louis. Aloysius is the Name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and Common Among British Roman Catholics
Alon  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Alondra  (Spanish)
Variant of Alexandra: Defender of Mankind
Alonso  (German)
Variant of Alphonso: from Old German Adalfuns Meaning Noble-ready. Common in Spain
Aloodra  (Muslim)
Variant of Aludra: Virgin
Aloysia  (French)
Feminine Form of Aloysius: a French Provincial Variant of Louis. Aloysius is the Name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and Common Among British Roman Catholics
Aloysius  (French)
Variant of Louis: Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Aloysius is the Name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and Common Among British Roman Catholics
Alphonsus  (German)
Variant of Alphonso: from Old German Adalfuns Meaning Noble-ready. Common in Spain. Famous Bearer: Gangster Al Capone's Name Was Alphonse
Alsandair  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alsandare  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Altaf  (Muslim)
Variant of Altaaf: Kindness. Graces
6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 10 of 129) 

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Additional Names

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