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Names That Mean Rian

6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 11 of 129) 

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Looking for names that mean Rian? We couldn't find the exact name Rian, but listed below are some first names meaning Rian or names similar to the word Rian.

Similar Names

Raihan | Ram | Rane | Rani | Ren | Rhun | Rinan | Rion | Roan | Roane |

Related Names

Aluin  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Aluino  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alun  (English)
Variant of Alan: Fair; Handsome. Also Both a Diminutive of Albert (Noble, Bright) and an Abbreviation of Names Beginning With Al-
Alured  (English)
Variant of Alfred: Sage, Wise. from the Old English Aelfraed, Meaning Elf Counsel. Also from Ealdfrith or Alfrid, Meaning Old Peace. Famous Bearers: Alfred the Great Was a King, Alfred Lord Tennyson W
Alva  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alvan  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alven  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alvino  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alvy  (Irish)
Variant of Elva
Alvyn  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alwyn  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alwynn  (German)
Variant of Alvin: Friend
Alycia  (Latin)
Variant of Alice
Alyna  (Latin)
Of the Nobility. Variant of Adelina
Alyse  (English)
Variant of Alice
Alysha  (Latin)
Variant of Alice
Alyson  (French)
Variant of Alice
Alyson  (English)
Variant of Alice
Alyssa  (English)
Variant of Alice
Alysse  (English)
Variant of Alice
Alyssia  (English)
Variant of Alice
Alyx  (Greek)
'Helper; Defender.' Variant of Alexander
Alyx  (English)
Helper; Defender. Variant of Alexander
Amaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Aman: Protection. Without Fear
Amabella  (Latin)
Variant of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable
Amada  (Latin)
Variant of Amadeus: He Who Loves God. Famous Bearer: Late Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Amadi  (African)
Nigerian Name Meaning 'Fated to Die at Birth'
Amadi  (African)
Rejoicing. (Nigerian)
Amala  (Muslim)
Variant of Amal: Hopes. Aspirations. Wishes
Amalia  (German)
Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Amalle  (German)
Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Amana  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Alemana: Warrior
Amanat  (Muslim)
Variant of Amaanat: Security. Deposit
Amantha  (Greek)
Variant of Amarantha. A Flower Name. Variant of Samantha
Amasai  (Hebrew)
Variant of Amasa: Hardship; Burden
Amasia  (Hebrew)
Variant of Amasa: Hardship; Burden
Amasiah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Amasa: Hardship; Burden
Amasya  (Hebrew)
Variant of Amasa: Hardship; Burden
Amat-ul  (Muslim)
Variant of Ammat-ul: Slave Of. Servant Of. Used to Join With Female Names With Divine Name
Amata  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved
Amber  (Muslim)
Variant of Ambar: Jewel. Amber Stone
Ambrus  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Ambrose 'Immortal'
Ameena  (Muslim)
Variant of Amina: Trustworthy. Reliable. Faithful. Secure. Protected
Ameer  (Muslim)
Variant of Amir: Prince. Ruler
Ameera  (Muslim)
Variant of Amirah: Princess. Rich Woman. Leader. Also a Variant of Amira: Well Populated
Amelia  (German)
Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Ametta  (English)
Modern Variant of Amold
Amette  (English)
Modern Variant of Amold
Amice  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved. Also a French Form of the Latin Amico, Meaning Friend
Amicia  (French)
Variant of Amy: Dearly Loved; Beloved. from the Old French Amee, Which Derives from the Latin Amatus Meaning Loved. Also a French Form of the Latin Amico, Meaning Friend
6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 11 of 129) 

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Additional Names

Naomi | Joli | Alaric | Hiromasa | Buddy | Alencon | Agamemnon | Galatea | Brigid | Kiarr | Dolly | Kyrillos | Mispar | Ye | Dhanna |