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Names That Mean Rian

6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 14 of 129) 

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Looking for names that mean Rian? We couldn't find the exact name Rian, but listed below are some first names meaning Rian or names similar to the word Rian.

Similar Names

Raihan | Ram | Rane | Rani | Ren | Rhun | Rinan | Rion | Roan | Roane |

Related Names

Annawan  (Native American)
Variant of Annawon: Algonquin Name Meaning Chief
Anne  (English)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah: Favor. Grace
Anne  (French)
French Spelling of English Ann, a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain. Famous Bearers: St Anne; King Henry Viii's Wives Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves; Queen Elizabeth's Daughter Princess Anne
Anne  (Hebrew)
Favour or Grace. Prayer. God Has Favoured Me. Variant of Hannah
Anneke  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah, Meaning Favor, Grace
Anneli  (Finnish)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah: Favor. Grace
Annette  (French)
Variant of Anne Meaning Little Ann. Variant of Hebrew 'Hannah' Meaning 'Favor. Grace. '
Annette  (English)
Variant of Ann: a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain, Made Popular by the Cult of St Anne. The Form of the Name Varies With Fashion:
Anni  (German)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah Meaning Favor. Grace
Annice  (Greek)
Variant of the Greek Agnes, Poor, Pure, or Chaste. St. Agnes Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr Whose January St Feast Day is Described in Keats' Poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'
Annice  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
Annie  (Russian)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah. Favor. Grace
Annika  (English)
Variant of Ann: a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain, Made Popular by the Cult of St Anne. The Form of the Name Varies With Fashion:
Annika  (Swedish)
Grace. Diminutive Variant of Ann
Annis  (Greek)
Variant of the Greek Agnes, Poor, Pure, or Chaste. St. Agnes Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr Whose January St Feast Day is Described in Keats' Poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'
Annis  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
Annissa  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
Annora  (Latin)
Honour. English Variant of Honora
Annson  (English)
Variant of Anson: Anne's Son; Son of God. Famous Bearer: Actor Anson Williams
Anntoin  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Anouska  (English)
Variant of Ann: a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain, Made Popular by the Cult of St Anne. The Form of the Name Varies With Fashion:
Anrai  (Irish)
Variant of Einri: Rules the Home
Anschel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Asher: Happy. in the Old Testament, Asher Was One of Jacob's Sons
Ansel  (English)
God's Protection. Variant of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Ansell  (English)
God's Protection. Variant of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Anselm  (French)
Variant of Ansel: Follower; One Who Follows a Nobleman
Anshel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Asher: Happy. in the Old Testament, Asher Was One of Jacob's Sons
Anshil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Asher: Happy. in the Old Testament, Asher Was One of Jacob's Sons
Anshul  (Hindu)
Variant of Anshu: Sunbeam
Ansson  (English)
Variant of Anson: Anne's Son; Son of God. Famous Bearer: Actor Anson Williams
Antaios  (Greek)
Variant of Antaeus: Enemy. Killed by Hercules in Greek Mythology
Antoine  (English)
Variant of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Anton  (English)
Variant of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Antone  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antonello  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antoney  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antonino  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antonio  (English)
Variant of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Antonio  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antonius  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antons  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antony  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Anya  (Russian)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah. Favor. Grace
Anya  (Greek)
Variant of Anna: a Variant of Hannah. in Virgil's 'Aeneid', Anna Was Sister of Dido, Queen of Carthage. According to an Apocryphal Gospel, Anna Was Also the Mother of the Virgin Mary
Anya  (English)
Variant of Anna. British Novelist Anya Seton
Anyssa  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
Aodha  (Irish)
Variant of Aodh: Fire; Fiery
Aodhaigh  (Irish)
Variant of Aodh: Fire; Fiery
Aodhan  (Irish)
Variant of Aodh: Fire; Fiery
Aodhfin  (Irish)
Variant of Aodh: Fire; Fiery; White Fire
6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 14 of 129) 

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Additional Names

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