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Names That Mean Ring

1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 12 of 22) 

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Looking for names that mean Ring? We couldn't find the exact name Ring, but listed below are some first names meaning Ring or names similar to the word Ring.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangy | Rinc | Ringo | Rinji | Rong |

Related Names

Jozachar  (Biblical)
Remembering, of the Male Sex
Jozachar  (Biblical)
Remembering, of the Male Sex
Julian  (English)
Jove's Child. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. Biblical Roman Centurion Julius Saved Paul's Life During a Hazardous Voyage
Kalb  (Hebrew)
Variant of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Kaleb  (Hebrew)
Variant of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Kambria  (English)
Spelling Variant of Cambria Referring to Wales
Kandake  (Greek)
Kareef  (Arabic)
Bom During Autumn
Karif  (Arabic)
Bom During Autumn
Katherine  (English)
Pure. Used Since Third Century A. D. Early Latin Forms Katerina and Caterina Became Katharine and Catherine. French Cateline and English Catlyn Came into Wider Use During Medieval Period When Variants
Kazimir  (Polish)
Variant of Casimir: Bringer of Peace; Announcing Peace
Keishaa Vinodhiini  (Hindu)
Bring Joys and Happy Keishav-a Name in Krishna Story
Kelaiah  (Biblical)
Voice of the Lord; Gathering Together
Kelby  (Teutonic)
From the Farm by the Spring
Kelby  (Gaelic)
Place by the Fountain or Spring
Kelby  (Scandinavian)
Place by the Fountain or Spring
Kelby  (Gaelic)
Place by the Fountain; Spring
Kelda  (Scandinavian)
Spring. Fountain
Keldan  (Norse)
From the Spring
Kelitah  (Biblical)
Voice of the Lord; Gathering Together
Kell  (Norse)
From the Spring
Kelleeka  (Scottish, Irish)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving Good Charm
Kellicka  (Latin)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving. Good Charm Sensitive
Kellina  (Scottish, Irish)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving Good Charm
Kelly  (Teutonic)
Born on the Farm During the Spring
Kendal  (English)
Royal Valley, Referring to Kent in England
Kendale  (English)
Royal Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kendall  (English)
Ruler of the Bright River Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kendel  (English)
Royal Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kendell  (English)
Royal Valley. Surname Referring to Kent in England
Kendyl  (English)
Royal Valley, Referring to Kent in England
Keon  (American)
Sweet, Caring, Intelligent, and Wealthy
Kester  (Gaelic)
Bearing Christ; a Gaelic Form of Christopher. (Kes-ter)
Ketifa  (Arabic)
Kilby  (Teutonic)
From the Farm by the Spring
Kile  (Gaelic)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kile  (Irish)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kiley  (Gaelic)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kiley  (Irish)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kingswell  (English)
Lives at the King's Spring
Kinsey  (English)
Kittim  (Biblical)
Breaking, Bruising Small, Gold, Coloring
Kittim  (Biblical)
Breaking, Bruising Small, Gold, Coloring
Kolenka  (Russian)
Of the Conquering People
Kolinka  (Danish)
Born to the Conquering People
Kolinkar  (Danish)
Born to the Conquering People
Kolya  (Russian)
Of the Conquering People
Kulakeerthi  (Hindu)
Fame of the Family, Bringing Fame to the Family
Kye  (Gaelic)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
Kye  (Irish)
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows; a Wood or a Church
1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 12 of 22) 

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Additional Names

Analicia | Eugenia | Raynell | Pallas | Nani | Vasusena | Belinda | Xerxes | Mago | Rujula | Sigismondo | Rupert | Madra | Trophimus | Gorrie |