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Names That Mean Ring

1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 15 of 22) 

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Looking for names that mean Ring? We couldn't find the exact name Ring, but listed below are some first names meaning Ring or names similar to the word Ring.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangy | Rinc | Ringo | Rinji | Rong |

Related Names

Macy  (English)
Madhava  (Indian)
God of Spring
Madhavilata  (Indian)
a flowering creeper
Madhavilata  (Hindu)
A Flowering Creeper
Madhumalati  (Indian)
a flowering creeper
Madhumalati  (Hindu)
A Flowering Creeper
Madian  (Biblical)
Judgment, Striving, Covering, Chiding
Madian  (Biblical)
Judgment, Striving, Covering, Chiding
Mae  (French)
May. in Roman Mythology Maia: (Source of the Month May) Was Goddess of Spring Growth
Maelee  (French)
May. in Roman Mythology Maia: (Source of the Month May) Was Goddess of Spring Growth
Maelynn  (French)
May. in Roman Mythology Maia: (Source of the Month May) Was Goddess of Spring Growth
Magdiel  (Biblical)
Declaring God, Chosen Fruit of God
Magdiel  (Biblical)
Declaring God, Chosen Fruit of God
Magnolia  (English)
Magnolia (Flowering Shrub)
Magnus  (Latin)
Great/Greatest. A Name Popular in Scandinavia During the Viking Period. A Number of Norse Kings Bore This Name
Magnus  (Scottish)
Great; a Borrowing from the Latin, Magnus is Derived from Magnus (Great). The Name Was Brought to the British Isles by the Scandinavians During the Middle Ages. Manus is the Gaelic Form. (Mag-nus)
Magog  (Biblical)
Covering, Roof, Dissolving
Mahath  (Biblical)
Wiping Away, Breaking, Fearing, Smiting
Mahath  (Biblical)
Wiping Away, Breaking, Fearing, Smiting
Mahavites  (Biblical)
Declaring a Message, Marrow
Mahavites  (Biblical)
Declaring a Message, Marrow
Mai  (French)
May. in Roman Mythology Maia: (Source of the Month May) Was Goddess of Spring Growth
Maia  (French)
May. in Roman Mythology Maia: (Source of the Month May) Was Goddess of Spring Growth
Mairtin  (Latin)
Maiya  (French)
May. in Roman Mythology Maia: (Source of the Month May) Was Goddess of Spring Growth
Majestas  (Latin)
Royal Bearing; Dignity. Majestas Was Roman Goddess of Honor
Majesty  (Latin)
Royal Bearing; Dignity. Majestas Was Roman Goddess of Honor
Makalo  (African)
Makalo  (African)
Mandisa  (Xhosa)
One Who by Her Presence Brings Happiness to Every One
Manfred  (Teutonic)
Mighty Peace, Persevering, Courageous, Excitable
Manus  (Latin)
Variant of Magnus: Great/Greatest. A Name Popular in Scandinavia During the Viking Period
Maralah  (Native American)
Born During an Earthquake
Marceau  (Latin)
Marcel  (Latin)
Variant of Marcellus: Hammer; Warring
Marcela  (Spanish)
Marcella  (Teutonic)
Marcella  (French)
Marcella  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Marcellus: Hammer; Warring
Marcelle  (French)
Marcelle  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Marcellus: Hammer; Warring
Marcellia  (French)
Marcelline  (Latin)
Marco  (Italian)
Italian Form of Marcus: Mars (Roman God of War). Famous Bearer: Marco Polo (-), Explorer from Venice. Warring
Marco  (Spanish)
Marcy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Marcia: Mars (Roman God of War). Derived from the Roman Clan 'Marcius'. Warring
Mardane  (Latin)
Marde  (Latin)
Marek  (Latin)
Marian  (Latin)
1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 15 of 22) 

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Additional Names

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Baby Name Meanings