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Names That Mean Ring

1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 19 of 22) 

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Looking for names that mean Ring? We couldn't find the exact name Ring, but listed below are some first names meaning Ring or names similar to the word Ring.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangy | Rinc | Ringo | Rinji | Rong |

Related Names

Scadwiella  (English)
From the Shed Spring
Schyler  (Dutch)
Secacah  (Biblical)
Shadow, Covering, Defense
Secacah  (Biblical)
Shadow, Covering, Defense
Seldon  (English)
Valley of Whispering Willows (Selden, Sliden, Shelden, Sheldon)
Selima  (Hebrew)
Brings Comfort, Peace
Selvyn  (English)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees
Semei  (Biblical)
Hearing, Obeying
Semei  (Biblical)
Hearing, Obeying
Shadwell  (English)
From the Shed Spring
Shamed  (Biblical)
Destroying, Wearing Out
Shamed  (Biblical)
Destroying, Wearing Out
Sharon  (Hebrew)
A Flat Clearing
Sharona  (English)
Flat Clearing
Shema  (Biblical)
Hearing, Obeying
Sheminith  (Biblical)
Eighth (An Eight-stringed Instrument)
Sheminith  (Biblical)
Eighth (An Eight-stringed Instrument)
Shimrath  (Biblical)
Hearing, Obedient
Shophach  (Biblical)
Pouring Out
Shreyas  (Hindu)
One Who Brings Riches, Auspicious
Shuphim  (Biblical)
Wearing Them Out, Their Shore
Shuphim  (Biblical)
Wearing Them Out, Their Shore
Shuppim  (Biblical)
Wearing Them Out, Their Shore
Shuppim  (Biblical)
Wearing Them Out, Their Shore
Sibbechai  (Biblical)
Bough, Cottage, of Springs
Sigrath  (Norse)
Conquering Advisor
Sigrid  (Norse)
Conquering Advisor
Silvano  (Latin)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees. A Number of Saints Bore the Name
Silverio  (Portuguese)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees
Silverio  (Spanish)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees
Silvino  (Spanish)
Variant of Sylvanus Referring to the Mythological Greek God of Trees
Skye  (English)
Refers to the Scottish Isle of Skye; a Nature Name Referring to the Sky
Skye  (Dutch)
Skyla  (Dutch)
Skylar  (Dutch)
Smit  (Hindu)
Wood Used to Feed Fire During Rituals
Sophereth  (Biblical)
'scribe, Numbering'
Southwell  (English)
From the South Spring
Stamitos  (Greek)
Stockwell  (English)
From the Tree Stump Spring
Stocwiella  (English)
From the Tree Stump Spring
Suhyal  (Islamic)
Name Referring to the Second-brightest Star in the Southern Skies
Suma  (English)
Born During the Summer
Summer  (English)
Born During the Summer
Svetlana  (Slavic)
Syn  (Norse)
Invoked During Trials
Taima  (American)
Crash of Thunder, Born During Storm
Tait  (English)
Brings Joy
Taqqee  (Muslim)
Variant of Taqqi: God-fearing. Pious
Taqqi  (Muslim)
God-fearing. Pious
1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 19 of 22) 

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Additional Names

Waldhramm | Hasina | Darva | Gillean | Monty | Silverio | Heidi | Rodd | Ashwini | Dax | Machnadebai | Cosmo | Elda | Cordale | Ferdynand |