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Names That Mean Ring

1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 2 of 22) 

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Looking for names that mean Ring? We couldn't find the exact name Ring, but listed below are some first names meaning Ring or names similar to the word Ring.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangy | Rinc | Ringo | Rinji | Rong |

Related Names

Alun  (Celtic)
Harmony, Stone, or Noble. Also Fair, Handsome. Originally a Saint's Name, it Was Reintroduced to Britain During the Norman Conquest, Remained Popular Throughout the Middle Ages, and Was Revived
Alvern  (Latin)
Spring; Greening. See Also Elvern
Amabel  (Latin)
Beautiful, Loving, Lovable.Amabel Was Used Frequently During the Middle Ages and Has Now Been Largely Replaced by the Diminutive Mabel
Amasa  (Biblical)
Sparing the People
Amelia  (Latin)
Industrious, Admiring
Amelie  (French)
Industrious, Admiring
Amittai  (Biblical)
True, Fearing
Ammon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Amon: Secret; Faithful; Roaring Stream
Amogh  (Indian)
Amogh  (Indian)
Amon  (Hebrew)
Secret; Faithful; Roaring Stream
Andrew  (Greek)
Manly. St Andrew, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, Later Became Patron Saint of Scotland. The Scottish City St Andrews is Named for Him. it Was in Frequent Use Throughout Britain During the Middle Ages
Andvaranaut  (Norse)
Brunhild's Ring
Andwele  (African)
Tanzanian Name Meaning 'God Brings Me'
Angelica  (Greek)
Angelic, Other Forms are Angela, Angelina, Happy, Modest, Inspiring
Anim  (Biblical)
Answerings, Singings, Afflicted
Anim  (Biblical)
Answerings, Singings, Afflicted
Anjali  (Indian)
Anjali  (Hindu)
Ansleigh  (English)
From the Awe Inspiring One's Meadow
Ansley  (English)
From the Awe Inspiring One's Meadow
Antoinette  (French)
Beyond Praise. French Feminine Form of Anthony Generally Associated With French Queen Marie Antoinette, Wife of King Louis Xvi, Guillotined During the French Revolution
Apemantus  (Shakespearean)
'The Life of Timon of Athens' a Flattering Lord, and a Churlish Philosopher
Apocalypse  (Biblical)
Uncovering, Revelation
Apocalypse  (Biblical)
Uncovering, Revelation
April  (English)
Opening Buds of Spring; Born in April
April  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
April  (Latin)
Calendar Month, Open to Receive the Sun in Spring
Aprille  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Aprille  (English)
The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apryl  (English)
The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apryl  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apryll  (English)
The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apryll  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Ar  (Biblical)
Awakening, Uncovering
Ar  (Biblical)
Awakening, Uncovering
Arafat  (Islamic)
A Place Twelve Miles South West of Mecca Where Pilgrims Perform a Special Worship to Allah During the Hajj
Arama  (Maori)
Archibald  (English)
True and Bold, Valuable. Introduced from German During the Norman Conquest, Archibald Replaced an Old English Form of the Name
Archibald  (Scottish)
True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Archie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Archy  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Archibald: True and Bold. Also 'Bald'. Introduced from England and Germany During the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Interpreted the 'Bald' to Refer to the Shaven Head of a Monk
Arcturus  (Biblical)
A Gathering Together
Arcturus  (Biblical)
A Gathering Together
Ardath  (Hebrew)
Flowering Field
Ardice  (Hebrew)
Flowering Field
Ardith  (Hebrew)
Flowering Field
Aridatha  (Hebrew)
Flowering Field
Arnaud  (English)
Variant of Arnold: Derived from an Old German Name Meaning Eagle Power. The Eagle Rules. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, and Used for a Number of English Surnames. Famous Bearer: B
Arnold  (English)
Derived from an Old German Name Meaning Eagle Power. The Eagle Rules. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, and Used for a Number of English Surnames. Famous Bearer: British Poet and Cri
1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 2 of 22) 

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Additional Names

Wybert | Zaneta | Rolland | Torion | Barthram | Hulbart | Hortensio | Charli | Allan | BaIloch | Mercia | Hemlata | Sunni | Owain | Myrina |