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Names That Mean Ring

1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 6 of 22) 

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Looking for names that mean Ring? We couldn't find the exact name Ring, but listed below are some first names meaning Ring or names similar to the word Ring.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangy | Rinc | Ringo | Rinji | Rong |

Related Names

Cadda  (English)
Cadell  (Celtic)
Caersewiella  (English)
Lives at the Watercress Spring
Caldwell  (English)
From the Cold Spring
Caldwiella  (English)
From the Cold Spring
Cale  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Caleb-Ephratah  (Biblical)
Abundance, Bearing Fruit
Calida  (Hispanic)
Adoring, Compassionate
Calva  (Latin)
A Name Referring to Venus
Candace  (Greek)
Glittering, Glowing White
Capita  (Latin)
A Name Referring to the Minerva
Capta  (Latin)
A Name Referring to the Minerva
Carcas  (Biblical)
The Covering of a Lamb
Carcas  (Biblical)
The Covering of a Lamb
Caresse  (French)
Endearing; Tender Touch
Caroun  (Armenian)
Carrington  (Celtic)
Place Name and Surname
Carrington  (English)
Place Name and Surname
Carrington  (English)
Town of the Marsh
Carswell  (English)
Lives at the Watercress Spring
Case  (English)
Bringer of Peace
Casimir  (Polish)
Bringer of Peace; Announcing Peace
Casimire  (Polish)
Variant of Casimir: Bringer of Peace; Announcing Peace
Casimiro  (Polish)
Variant of Casimir: Bringer of Peace; Announcing Peace
Castimer  (Polish)
Variant of Casimir: Bringer of Peace; Announcing Peace
Celdtun  (English)
From the Farm by the Spring
Cerelia  (Latin)
Of the Spring
Ceres  (Latin)
Goddess of the Harvest; of the Spring. Mythological Roman Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility
Chad  (English)
Protector; Defender. English Form of a Welsh Name Meaning Battle or Warring. Famous Bearer: Th- Century Bishop St Chad Founded the Samaritans, a Charitable Organization Providing Service for the Suici
Chadd  (English)
Variant of Chad: Protector; Defender. English Form of a Welsh Name Meaning Battle or Warring. Famous Bearer: Th- Century Bishop St Chad Founded the Samaritans, a Charitable Organization Providing Serv
Chaithra  (Hindu)
First Month of the Year, Spring
Chaitra  (Hindu)
First Month of the Year, Most Beautiful Season- Spring
Chatwin  (English)
Warring Friend
Chatwyn  (English)
Warring Friend
Chayna  (Pentecostal)
Beatiful,Caring, and Loving
Chelsey  (English)
Cherri  (English)
The Fruit-bearing Cherry Tree
Cherrie  (English)
The Fruit-bearing Cherry Tree
Chesna  ()
Bringing Peace and Calm (Uncertain Origin)
Chesna  (Slavic)
Bringing Peace, Calm
Chilton  (English)
From the Farm by the Spring
Chloris  (Greek)
Blooming. Mythological Goddess of Flowers or Spring
Chole  (Greek)
Chris  (English)
Bearing Christ; a Short Form of Christopher
Christopher  (English)
Bearing Christ; Evolution of the Middle English Christofre, Which is from the Late Latin Christophorouss, a Derivative of the Ecclesiastic Greek Christophoros, a Compound Name Composed from Christos (
Chun  (Chinese)
Chun  (Chinese)
Cingeswell  (English)
Lives at the King's Spring
Cingeswiella  (English)
Lives at the King's Spring
Cinthia  (Greek)
One of the Names of the Mythological Moon Goddess Artemis Referring to Her Birth on Mount Cynthus
1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 6 of 22) 

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Additional Names

Xenon | Theophaneia | Camdin | Shafiq | Isui | Padhraig | Desiderio | Florida | Wayne | Alvita | Fairlie | Suzannah | Beldan | Cuithbrig | Chelinda |