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Names That Mean Ring

1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 4 of 22) 

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Looking for names that mean Ring? We couldn't find the exact name Ring, but listed below are some first names meaning Ring or names similar to the word Ring.

Similar Names

Rang | Rangy | Rinc | Ringo | Rinji | Rong |

Related Names

Bashshar  (Arabic)
Brings Good News
Bea  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice F: a Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy. in the Divine Comedy, Beatrice Was Dante's Guide Through Paradise, Perhaps Inspired by Beatrice Portinari Who Was Dante's Earlies
Bea  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice and Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy
Bearnas  (Gaelic)
Bringer of Victory; Gaelic Form of Berenice. (Bear-nus)
Beat  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice F: a Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy. in the Divine Comedy, Beatrice Was Dante's Guide Through Paradise, Perhaps Inspired by Beatrice Portinari Who Was Dante's Earlies
Beat  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice and Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy
Beata  (Latin)
One Who Brings Joy
Beate  (Latin)
One Who Brings Joy
Beatrice  (Gaelic)
Feminine Form of Beattie: Bringer of Joy; Blesses
Beatrice  (French)
Bringer of Joy
Beatrice  (Latin)
A Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy. Famous Bearer: Beatrice Was Dante's Guide Through Paradise in the 'Divine Comedy', Perhaps Inspired by Beatrice Portinari, Dante's Earliest Love
Beatrice  (Latin)
A Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy. in the Divine Comedy, Beatrice Was Dante's Guide Through Paradise, Perhaps Inspired by Beatrice Portinari Who Was Dante's Earliest Love
Beatrisa  (Spanish)
Brings Happiness. Brings Joy
Beatrix  (Italian)
Brings Joy
Beatrix  (Latin)
Bringer of Joy, Brings Joy. Famous Bearers: Beatrix Was Mentioned in the Domesday Book of Twentieth Century Children's Writer and Illustrator Beatrix Potter Created Peter Rabbit
Beatrix  (English)
Bringer of Joy
Beatriz  (Latin)
Brings Joy
Beatriz  (Spanish)
Brings Happiness. Brings Joy
Beattie  (Gaelic)
Bringer of Joy; Blesses
Beattie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice F: a Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy. in the Divine Comedy, Beatrice Was Dante's Guide Through Paradise, Perhaps Inspired by Beatrice Portinari Who Was Dante's Earlies
Beattie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrix: Bringer of Joy, Brings Joy, Happy
Beatty  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice F: a Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy. in the Divine Comedy, Beatrice Was Dante's Guide Through Paradise, Perhaps Inspired by Beatrice Portinari Who Was Dante's Earlies
Beatty  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrix: Bringer of Joy, Brings Joy, Happy
Bee  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice F: a Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy. in the Divine Comedy, Beatrice Was Dante's Guide Through Paradise, Perhaps Inspired by Beatrice Portinari Who Was Dante's Earlies
Bee  (Latin)
Diminutive of Beatrice. A Variant of Beatrix Meaning Bringer of Joy
Beera  (Biblical)
A Well, Declaring
Befle  (Latin)
Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable.Amabel Was Used Frequently During the Middle Ages and Briefly in the Th Century, and Has Now Been Largely Replaced by the Diminutive Mabel
Beitiris  (Gaelic)
Bringer of Blessings and Joy. (Bee-tih-ris)
Benet  (French)
Variant of Benedict, Meaning Blessed, from the Old French. Became a Common British Surname After Being Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest
Bennet  (French)
Variant of Benedict, Meaning Blessed, from the Old French. Became a Common British Surname After Being Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest
Bennett  (French)
Variant of Benedict, Meaning Blessed, from the Old French. Became a Common British Surname After Being Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest
Bentley  (English)
Derived from a Surname and Place Name Referring to a Clearing Covered With Coarse Grass. from the Bent Grass Meadow
Bera  (Biblical)
A Well, Declaring
Berenice  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory, Bringer of Victory. Famous Bearer: King Ptolemy I of Egypt's Second Wife Was Named Berenice, As Were Two of Her Granddaughters
Berenice  (French)
One Who Brings Victory
Bernice  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernice  (Biblical)
One That Brings Victory
Bernice  (French)
Brings Victory
Bernice  (Greek)
Bringer of Victory, Talented,Emotional,Vail
Bernice  (Greek)
A Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Herod Agrippa Ii, Her Broth
Bernicia  (Spanish)
One Who Brings Victory
Bernie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Bernice: a Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Hero
Bernie  (Greek)
Bringer of Victory
Berniss  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Berniss  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernita  (German)
Brave As a Bear, Bringer of Victory, Brave
Berny  (Greek)
Diminutive of Bernice: a Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Hero
Bernyce  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernyce  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bertram  (English)
Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest, a Variant of the German Bertram. Bright Raven
1078 names found for "Ring"   (page 4 of 22) 

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Additional Names

Naharai | Drusilla | Pat | Sylvana | Clementine | Mercie | Gillermo | Abdul Razaq | Berenice | Camedyr | Elenek | Rich | Sheba | Geela | Hulbard |