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Names That Mean Roman

436 names found for "Roman"   (page 4 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Roman? We couldn't find the exact name Roman, but listed below are some first names meaning Roman or names similar to the word Roman.

Similar Names

Rahman | Rama | Ramah | Ramon | Rayman | Rian | Rinan | Roan | Roane | Roano |

Related Names

Farren  (German)
Variant of Ferdinand: an Old German Name, from 'Fardi' Meaning Journey and 'Nanthi' Meaning Venture. Famous Bearers Include Three Holy Roman Emperors and Several Spanish and Italian Kings
Favian  (English)
Derived from the Roman Clan Name Fabius; a Name Given Several Roman Emperors and Saints
Favianna  (Latin)
Feminine Variant of Fabian from the Roman Family Name Fabius
Favio  (English)
Derived from the Roman Clan Name Fabius; a Name Given Several Roman Emperors and Saints
Favio  (Latin)
Derived from the Roman Clan Name Fabius; a Name Given Several Roman Emperors and Saints
Faviola  (Latin)
Feminine Variant of Fabian from the Roman Family Name Fabius
Ferdinand  (German)
An Old German Name, from 'Fardi' Meaning Journey and 'Nanthi' Meaning Venture. Famous Bearers Include Three Holy Roman Emperors and Several Spanish and Italian Kings
Flamina  (Latin)
A Roman Priestess
Flaminia  (Latin)
A Roman Priestess
Flo  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Flora  (Latin)
The Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Floretta  (Latin)
Variant of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Florette  (Latin)
Variant of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Florian  (Slavic)
Flower. Masculine of Flora from a Roman Clan Name
Florian  (Latin)
Flowery or Flourishing. Famous Bearer: Fourth Century Roman Martyr St. Florian
Florinda  (Latin)
Variant of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. from 'Floris' Meaning Flower. Famous Bearers: Scottish Heroine Flora Macdonald Helped Bonnie Prince Charlie
Florrie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Floss  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Flossie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Floy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Flurry  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Fortuna  (Latin)
Fortune, Fortunate. The Mythological Roman Oman Goddess of Luck, Fortune and Chance, Often Depicted With the Wheel She Turned to Attract Success or Failure. She Also Steered Lives With a Rudder
Francesca  (Italian)
Derived from the Latin Frances Meaning French, or Free One. Famous Bearer: Th Century Roman Noblewoman St Francesca Romana (St Frances of Rome), British Actress Francesca Annis
Frederick  (German)
Peaceful Ruler. from the Old German Name Frithuric. Famous Bearers: Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, Prussian King Frederick the Great
Gaius  (Latin)
To Rejoice. Famous Bearer: Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar
Georgette  (French)
A French Feminine Form of the Greek George, Meaning Tiller of the Soil, or Farmer. Famous Bearer: British Romance Novelist Georgette Heyer
Georgina  (Greek)
Husband, Domesticated, Unromantic, Practical;Fem. of George (Georgette, Georgia, Georgiana, Georgie, Georgey)
Germaine  (Latin)
Feminine of Germain. Derives from a Roman Name Meaning 'Brotherly
Gussie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George
Gusta  (Latin)
Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, Grand. The Feminine Form of Augustus; Meaning Majestic Dignity or Venerable, Originally Given to Female Relatives of Roman Emperors. Famous Bearer: British King George
Hadrian  (Latin)
From 'Hadrianus' Meaning of Adria or 'Of the Adriatic. Also 'Dark, ' a Variant of Adrian. Famous Bearer: Roman Emperor Hadrian Ordered the Famous Hadrian's Wall Be Built Across Northern England
Hadrien  (Latin)
Dark. Variant of Adrian. in the Nd Century Ad Roman Emperor Hadrian Caused the Hadrian Wall to Be Built in Britain
Hera  (Greek)
Hera: (The Roman Juno) Was the Mythological Greek Queen of Heaven and Wife of Zeus. Dealing With Her Husband's Infidelities She Came to Be Called the Goddess of Marriages
Horace  (English)
Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius
Horace  (Latin)
Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Family Clan Name Horatius
Horace  (Italian)
Variant of Horatio: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius. The Close Friend of Hamlet in Shakespeare's Tragedy
Horatia  (Italian)
Timekeeper. The Feminine Form Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius
Horatia  (English)
Feminine Form of Horace: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius
Horatio  (Italian)
Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius. The Close Friend of Hamlet in Shakespeare's Tragedy
Horatio  (Latin)
Timekeeper; Derived from the Roman Family Clan Name Horatius
Horry  (English)
Diminutive of Horace: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius
Horry  (Italian)
Diminutive of Horatio: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius. The Close Friend of Hamlet in Shakespeare's Tragedy
Hortense  (English)
Garden. Variant of Hortensia: Derived from the Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius
Hortense  (French)
French Variant of Hortensia, from the Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius
Hortensia  (English)
Derived from the Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius
Jana  (Czechoslovakian)
Variant of John. God's Gift. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Jana  (Polish)
Polish Form of Joanna: God is Gracious. Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Janah  (Polish)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Janah  (Polish)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
Janah  (Czechoslovakian)
Variant of John. in Roman Mythology; Jana Was the Wife of Janus
436 names found for "Roman"   (page 4 of 9) 

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Additional Names

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