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Names That Mean Roman

436 names found for "Roman"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Roman? We couldn't find the exact name Roman, but listed below are some first names meaning Roman or names similar to the word Roman.

Similar Names

Rahman | Rama | Ramah | Ramon | Rayman | Rian | Rinan | Roan | Roane | Roano |

Related Names

Marcelina  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcelinda  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcellina  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcellus  (Latin)
Hammer. Also a Diminutive of Marcus: Mars (Roman God of War). A Family Name in Ancient Rome
Marcelyn  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcena  (Latin)
Of Mars. Feminine of Marcus. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility Also Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcena  (Latin)
Of Mars. Feminine of Marcus. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility Also Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marchelle  (French)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marci  (Latin)
Of Mars. Feminine of Marcus. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility Also Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcia  (Latin)
Of Mars. Feminine of Marcus. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility Also Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcianne  (Latin)
Of Mars. Feminine of Marcus. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility Also Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Marcia: Mars (Roman God of War). Derived from the Roman Clan 'Marcius'
Marcine  (Latin)
Of Mars. Feminine of Marcus. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility Also Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcio  (Italian)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Marco  (Italian)
Italian Form of Marcus: Mars (Roman God of War). Famous Bearer: Marco Polo (-), Explorer from Venice. Warring
Marcos  (Portuguese)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Marcos  (Spanish)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Marcus  (Latin)
Hammer. Mars (Roman God of War). Famous Bearer: Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony), Roman Triumvir and Lover of Egyptian Pharaoh Cleopatra
Marcus  (Scottish)
Latin Name of Uncertain Derivation. Most Believe it Has Its Root in Mars, the Name of the Roman Mythological God of War, and is Therefore Given the Meaning 'War-like.' Others Think it is from Mas (Man
Marcy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Marcia: Mars (Roman God of War). Derived from the Roman Clan 'Marcius'. Warring
Maricel  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricela  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricelia  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricella  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Mario  (Latin)
Variant of Marius: Hammer. Mars (Roman God of War). Also One of the Number of Masculine Variants of Mary That Can Be Attributed to the Virgin Mary
Marisela  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marius  (Latin)
Hammer. Mars (Roman God of War). A Roman Clan Name
Marius  (Latin)
Sailor, Roman Clan Name
Mark  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra' and 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.' Mark Antony, Roman Triumvir and Cleopatra's Lover
Mark  (English)
Derived from Latin 'Marcus': Mars (Roman God of War). St. Mark Was the Author of the Second Gospel. Famous Bearer: Mark Twain (-). Mark Twain's Real Name Was Samuel Clemens
Markos  (Dutch)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Markos  (German)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Markos  (Hungarian)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Markus  (Dutch)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Markus  (German)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Markus  (Hungarian)
Of Mars. The Roman Fertility God Mars for Whom March Was Named
Marsha  (Latin)
Variant of Marcia: Mars (Roman God of War). Derived from the Roman Clan 'Marcius'. Warring
Martin  (Latin)
Of Mars (The Roman God of War); Warlike. Famous Bearer: Black Civil-rights Leader Martin Luther King
Martin  (English)
War-like; from the Latin Martinus, a Derivative of Mars, the Name of the Roman Mythological God of War
Martina  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Martin: of Mars (The Roman God of War); Warlike
Martine  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Martin: of Mars (The Roman God of War); Warlike
Marty  (Latin)
Diminutive of Martin: of Mars (The Roman God of War); Warlike. Famous Bearer: Black Civil-rights Leader Martin Luther King
Martyn  (Latin)
Variant of Martin: of Mars (The Roman God of War); Warlike. Famous Bearer: Black Civil-rights Leader Martin Luther King
Millie  (English)
Diminutive of Mildred: Mild of Strength. Also a Diminutive of the Latin Emily, from Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius
Millie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Camilla: Servant for the Temple; Free-born; Noble. Feminine Form of Camillus. Famous Bearer: Roman Mythological Volscian Warrior Queen Camilla. Fanny Burney's Th Century Novel 'Camilla'
Milly  (English)
Diminutive of Mildred: Mild of Strength. Also a Diminutive of the Latin Emily, from Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius
Milly  (Latin)
Diminutive of Camilla: Servant for the Temple; Free-born; Noble. Feminine Form of Camillus. Famous Bearer: Roman Mythological Volscian Warrior Queen Camilla. Fanny Burney's Th Century Novel 'Camilla'
Minerva  (Latin)
Mind; to Remember. Minerva Was the Roman Goddess of Wisdom, Arts, Crafts, and of War
Nicanor  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' a Roman
Octavia  (Latin)
Born Eighth. in the Roman Empire, Octavia Was the Sister of Octavian Who Was Married to Mark Antony (As a Political Alliance). They Were Later Divorced (In Bc)
436 names found for "Roman"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Additional Names

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