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Meaning of the Name Roman

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The first name Roman is of Russian, Spanish, Latin, Biblical origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Russian: A Roman
Spanish: From Rome
Latin: Man from Rome (Romeo)
Latin: Man of Rome
Russian: Roman (Roma,Romochka)
Biblical: Strong; Powerful
Latin: Of Rome

Similar Names

Rahman | Rama | Ramah | Ramon | Rayman | Rian | Rinan | Roan | Roane | Roano |

Related Names

Octaviana  (Latin)
Eighth. Feminine of Octavius. A Clan Name of Roman Emperors
Octavius  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Octavius Caesar, Roman Triumvir. 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Triumvir After Caesar's Death, Later Augustus Caesar, First Emperor of Rome
Octavius  (Latin)
Born Eighth. Octavius Was a Roman Clan Name, As Well As the Original Name of Emperor Augustus (Commonly Known As Octavian). Traditionally, This Name Was Given to the Eighth Child in a Large Family
Ofydd  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Ovid 'A Roman Poet'
Ophelia  (Greek)
Serpent, Wistful, Romantic, Narvous, Seductive Manner
Patrick  (English)
Patrician, Noble. Romans Society Was Divided into Plebeians: (Commoners) and Patricians: (Aristocrats). Saint Patrick - Patron Saint of Ireland
Patrick  (Irish)
Patrician; Noble. Romans Society Was Divided into Plebeians: (Commoners) and Patricians: (Aristocrats). Saint Patrick - Patron Saint of Ireland
Peronel  (Greek)
Variant of Petronilla: Rock. Derived from the Roman Clan Petronius
Petronilla  (Greek)
Rock. Derived from the Roman Clan Petronius
Pompeius  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Sextus Pompeius, Roman Triumvir
Portia  (Latin)
Roman Clan Name
Pranay  (Indian)
Quentin  (Scottish)
A Borrowing from the French, Quentin is from the Latin Quenttnus, a Derivative of the Roman Personal Name Quintus, Which is from Quintus (The Fifth)
Quincey  (English)
Fifth. Derived from Roman Clan Name
Quincey  (French)
From the Place Owned by the Fifth Son 'Fifth'; Derived from Roman Clan Name
Quincy  (English)
Fifth. Derived from Roman Clan Name
Roma  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Roman (Romaine, Romana, Remayne)
Romaana  (Muslim)
Variant of Romana: Romantic. Fascinating
Romain  (French)
A Roman
Romain  (Latin)
Romana  (Muslim)
Romantic. Fascinating
Romana  (Spanish)
From Rome
Romana  (Latin)
From Rome
Romana  (French)
From Rome
Romania  (Latin)
From Rome
Romano  (Italian)
From Rome
Romano  (Spanish)
From Rome
Romano  (Latin)
Romeo  (Latin)
Of the Romans
Romney  (Latin)
Romochka  (Russian)
A Roman
Sabina  (Latin)
A Sabine. from an Ancient Roman Tribe Name, Sabinus
Sabine  (Latin)
A Sabine. from an Ancient Roman Tribe Name, Sabinus
Sextus  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Sextus Pompeius, Roman Triumvir
Sheelagh  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia: a Roman Clan Name
Sheelagh  (Latin)
Variant of Celia: from the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British
Sheila  (Latin)
Variant of Celia: from the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British
Sheila  (Irish)
Irish Variant of Celia, from Celius, a Roman Clan Name. Also a Form of Cecilia: Blind
Sheilah  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia: a Roman Clan Name
Shelagh  (Latin)
Variant of Celia: from the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British
Shelagh  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia, from Celius, a Roman Clan Name. Also a Form of Cecilia: Blind
Stacey  (Greek)
Diminutive of Eustace: Fruitful, Productive. Famous Bearer: St Eustace (Eustachins) Was a Martyred Nd Century Roman Soldier
Stacy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Eustace: Fruitful, Productive. Famous Bearer: St Eustace (Eustachins) Was a Martyred Nd Century Roman Soldier
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Additional Names

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