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Names That Mean Tame

233 names found for "Tame"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Tame? We couldn't find the exact name Tame, but listed below are some first names meaning Tame or names similar to the word Tame.

Similar Names

Taima | Tam | Tamah | Tamam | Tammy | Tan | Tano | Tema | Thane | Tim |

Related Names

Bette  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Bettina  (Greek)
Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Betty  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Betty  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Beulah  (Hebrew)
Married, to Marry, Claimed As a Wife. This Old Testament Place Name Became Common in English-speaking Countries After the Reformation. Famous References - in the Bible Beulah is a Name Symbolic of the
Bithiah  (Hebrew)
A Variant of Bethia, Meaning Daughter or Worshipper of God, Which Appears in the Old Testament
Bram  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Cale  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Charity  (French)
From the Old French 'Charite' Meaning Christian Love, Based on the Latin 'Cantos' Charity is Held Up in the New Testament (I Corinthians ) As the Greatest of the Three Christian Virtues, With Faith an
Claudia  (French)
A Feminine Form of Claud, a Variant of the Latin Claudium Meaning Lame. Claudia Was Mentioned in the Book of Timothy in the New Testament
Daimen  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle. to Tame. A Variant of Damian. in Greek Legend Damon Was a Loyal Friend of Pythias. Famous Bearer in Modern Times: American Author Damon Runyon
Daimon  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle. to Tame. A Variant of Damian. in Greek Legend Damon Was a Loyal Friend of Pythias. Famous Bearer in Modern Times: American Author Damon Runyon
Damae  (Greek)
Daman  (Irish)
Daman  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle. to Tame. A Variant of Damian. in Greek Legend Damon Was a Loyal Friend of Pythias. Famous Bearer in Modern Times: American Author Damon Runyon
Damen  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle; to Tame
Dameon  (Greek)
Variant of Damian: Tame. Saint Damian Was the Patron Saint of Hairdressers
Damia  (Latin)
Damia  (French)
Damian  (Spanish)
Damian  (Greek)
Tamed or Tamer (Damien)
Damian  (Greek)
To Tame, from the Greek Name Damianas. Variant of Damon 'One Who Tames; Subdues.' the Belgian Priest Father Damien Gave His Life Helping the Hawaiian Lepers of Molokai. 3rd Century St. Damian is Patro
Damiana  (Latin)
Damiana  (French)
Damiana  (Greek)
One Who Tames; Subdues. Feminine of Damian
Damiane  (French)
Damiano  (Greek)
Variant of Damian: Tame. Saint Damian Was the Patron Saint of Hairdressers
Damiano  (Italian)
Variant of Damon 'One Who Tames; Subdues.' the Belgian Priest Father Damien Gave His Life Helping the Hawaiian Lepers of Molokai. 3rd Century St. Damian is Patron of Physicians
Damien  (Greek)
Variant of Damian: Tame
Damien  (French)
Variant of Damon 'One Who Tames; Subdues.' the Belgian Priest Father Damien Gave His Life Helping the Hawaiian Lepers of Molokai. 3rd Century St. Damian is Patron of Physicians
Damien  (French)
Damion  (Greek)
Variant of Damian: Tame
Damon  (Greek)
Gentle. to Tame. A Variant of Damian. in Greek Legend Damon Was a Loyal Friend of Pythias. Famous Bearer in Modern Times: American Author Damon Runyon
Damon  (Irish)
Damone  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle; to Tame
Damone  (Latin)
Damyan  (Greek)
Variant of Damian: Tame
Damyen  (Greek)
Variant of Damian: Tame
Damyon  (Greek)
Variant of Damian: Tame
Dana  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Prophet Daniel Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Dana  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danette  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Daniella  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danita  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Danuta  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
David  (Hebrew)
Beloved or Friend. The Old Testament David Killed the Giant Goliath in Th Century Bc, Then Succeeded Saul As King of Israel
Daymon  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle; to Tame
Delilah  (Hebrew)
Amorous, Delight, Languishing, Temptress. in the Old Testament, Samson's Mistress Delilah Tricked Him into Revealing the Secret of His Strength, Then Betrayed Him to the Philistines
Deman  (Dutch)
Dorcas  (Greek)
Gazelle. Famous Bearer: the New Testament Dorcas Who 'Abounded in Good Deeds and Gifts of Mercy, ' Was a Charitable Woman Raised from the Dead by St Peter
233 names found for "Tame"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Nephthalim | Ammon | Telamon | Mindel | Carlino | Dolan | Murry | Frang | Adelle | Ain | Stella | Ursula | Wakanda | Gavrila | Shawna |