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Meaning of the Name Tame |
233 names found for "Tame" (page 5 of 5) |
The first name Tame is of Japanese origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

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Related Names

Diminutive of Bathsheba: Oath; Voluptuous. Bathsheba Was King David's Wife in the Old Testament

God Heard; Derived from Hebrew Shimon (Heard). The Name is Borne in the Bible by Two of the Twelve Apostles and a Brother of Jesus, As Well As Several Other New Testament Characters. (Si-mun)

Beauty, Grace. from the Aramaic Word for Gazelle. Biblical - Tabitha of the New Testament (Acts :) Was Noted for Good Works

Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi

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Diminutive of Zachariah: the Lord Has Remembered, and of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearer: Nickname of American Preside