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Meaning of the Name Tame

233 names found for "Tame"   (page 5 of 5) 

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The first name Tame is of Japanese origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Japanese: Unselfish

Similar Names

Taima | Tam | Tamah | Tamam | Tammy | Tan | Tano | Tema | Thane | Tim |

Related Names

Seireadan  (Irish)
Sheba  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Bathsheba: Oath; Voluptuous. Bathsheba Was King David's Wife in the Old Testament
Sheridan  (Celtic)
Sheridan  (Irish)
Sheridan  (English)
Untamed; Bright
Simon  (English)
God Heard; Derived from Hebrew Shimon (Heard). The Name is Borne in the Bible by Two of the Twelve Apostles and a Brother of Jesus, As Well As Several Other New Testament Characters. (Si-mun)
Tabitha  (Hebrew)
Beauty, Grace. from the Aramaic Word for Gazelle. Biblical - Tabitha of the New Testament (Acts :) Was Noted for Good Works
Tamar  (Hebrew)
Palm Tree. in the Old Testament, Tamar Was Raped by Her Half-brother, Amnon
Tameka  (Arabic)
Tamera  (Hebrew)
A Spice or Palm Tree
Tameron  (African American)
From Cameron
Tamesis  (Greek)
Goddess of the River
Temman  (Anglo Saxon)
Tetty  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Thad  (Greek)
Thaddeus Was One of the Apostles Described in the New Testament of the Bible
Thaddeus  (Greek)
Thaddeus Was One of the Apostles Described in the New Testament of the Bible
Thaddius  (Greek)
Thaddeus Was One of the Apostles Described in the New Testament of the Bible
Thadeus  (Greek)
Thaddeus Was One of the Apostles Described in the New Testament of the Bible
Theon  (French)
Thera  (Greek)
Theron  (Greek)
Hunter; Untamed
Theron  (French)
Therron  (French)
Therron  (Greek)
Thira  (Greek)
Thy  (Greek)
Tyra  (Greek)
Vashti  (Persian)
Beautiful; Best. Deposed Queen of Persia in the Old Testament
Wilda  (German)
Wilde  (German)
Zack  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Zachariah: the Lord Has Remembered, and of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearer: Nickname of American Preside
Zak  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Zachariah: the Lord Has Remembered, and of Isaac: He Laughs. Laughter. The Only Son Born to Abraham and His Wife Sarah (In the Old Testament). Famous Bearer: Nickname of American Preside
233 names found for "Tame"   (page 5 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Jemimah | Darrold | Peony | Devynn | Katarin | Poornamruth | Nityasundar | Tum | Dera | Wilona | Gorane | Shaw | Ierne | Kippie | Breasal |