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Names That Mean Tame

233 names found for "Tame"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Tame? We couldn't find the exact name Tame, but listed below are some first names meaning Tame or names similar to the word Tame.

Similar Names

Taima | Tam | Tamah | Tamam | Tammy | Tan | Tano | Tema | Thane | Tim |

Related Names

Joshua  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Generous. Jehovah Saves. in the Old Testament, Joshua Was Chosen to Succeed Moses As Leader of the Israelites for Their Journey to the Promised Land
Jotham  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Perfect. May Jehovah Complete. in the Old Testament, Gideon's Youngest Son, Who Escaped the Massacre of His Seventy Brothers. Also a King of Judah During a Time of Military Strife
Justain  (English)
Just; Upright; Righteous. Form of New Testament Biblical Name Justus
Justain  (Latin)
Just; Upright; Righteous. Form of New Testament Biblical Name Justus
Justice  (English)
Just; Upright; Righteous. Form of New Testament Biblical Name Justus
Justice  (Latin)
Just; Upright; Righteous. Form of New Testament Biblical Name Justus
Justin  (Latin)
Just. Righteous. Form of New Testament Biblical Name Justus. Almost Exclusively an Irish Name Until the Th Century
Justin  (English)
Just; Upright; Righteous. Form of New Testament Biblical Name Justus
Justis  (English)
Just; Upright; Righteous. Form of New Testament Biblical Name Justus
Justis  (Latin)
Just; Upright; Righteous. Form of New Testament Biblical Name Justus
Kalb  (Hebrew)
Variant of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Kaleb  (Hebrew)
Variant of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
Keren  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Kerenhappuch: Horn of Antimony (Antimony Was Used in Ancient Times As a Cosmetic). Famous Bearer: Old Testament Keren Was One of Job's Three Daughters
Keturah  (Hebrew)
Fragrance. Sacrifice. Abraham's Second Wife in the Old Testament. A Name Commonly Used by Puritans After the Reformation
Leah  (Hebrew)
Tired. Cow. First Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament. Leah Became Jacob's First Wife by Trickery, As Jacob Had Intended to Marry Her Younger and More Beautiful Sister, Rachel, Who Soon Became His Seco
Libby  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Libby  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Lili  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Lilla  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Lillah  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Lisa  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Lisbeth  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Liz  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Liza  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Lizbeth  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Lizzie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Lizzy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Elisabeth or Elizabeth, from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Also a Diminutive of Bethia (Daughter or Worshipper of God), and of Bethany, a New Testament Vi
Luke  (Greek)
Light Giving. from Lucania (Lucania Was a District of Ancient Italy). Luke Was the Author of the Acts of the Apostles and of the Third Gospel in the New Testament, the Patron Saint of Doctors and Arti
Magdalene  (Hebrew)
Woman of Magdala. from the Tower. Famous Bearer: St. Mary Magdalene, the Repentant Prostitute in the New Testament
Malachi  (Hebrew)
Messenger of God. The Title of the Last Book in the Old Testament
Malachy  (Hebrew)
Variant of Malachi: Messenger of God. The Title of the Last Book in the Old Testament
Manasseh  (Hebrew)
To Forget. The Elder Son of Joseph in the Old Testament
Manasses  (Hebrew)
Variant of Manasseh: to Forget. The Elder Son of Joseph in the Old Testament
Mima  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Jemima: Dove. Little Dove. in the Old Testament, Jemima Was One of the Three Beautiful Daughters of Job (The Other Two Were Keziah and Keren)
Miriam  (Hebrew)
Rebellious. in the Old Testament, Miriam Was the Sister of Moses and Aaron
Obadiah  (Hebrew)
Servant/Worshipper of the Lord. Obadiah Was the Prophet Who Wrote the Shortest Book in the Old Testament
Omar  (Hebrew)
Eloquent. Speaker. The Grandson of Esau in the Old Testament. Famous Bearers: Th Century Persian Poet and Astronomer and Mathematician Omar Khayyam; Caliph Omar Ii, Who Made Islam an Imperial Power; A
Paul  (English)
Little. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
Paul  (French)
Little. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
Paul  (Latin)
Little; Small. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books. Before Converting to Christianity at Damascus, Paul Had Been Involved in the Brutal
Phineas  (Hebrew)
Oracle. One of the Two Sons of the Priest Eli in the Old Testament
Phinehas  (Hebrew)
Variant of Phineas: Oracle. One of the Two Sons of the Priest Eli in the Old Testament
Rachael  (Hebrew)
Variant of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel Was the Second and Favoured Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament
Rachel  (Hebrew)
Ewe. Rachel Was the Second and Favoured Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament
Rae  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel Was the Second and Favoured Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament
Rebekah  (Hebrew)
Captivating; Knotted Cord. Wife of Isaac in the Old Testament
Reuben  (Hebrew)
Behold, a Son. The Firstborn of Jacob's Sons in the Old Testament
Saffron  (English)
Both a Type of Crocus and the Expensive Orange Spice Made from the Stamen of This Flower
Samson  (Hebrew)
Sun Child; Bright Sun. in the Old Testament, Samson's Great Strength Came from His Long Hair. He Was Seduced by Delilah, Who Cut His Hair Off, Thereby Destroying His Strength
Samuel  (Hebrew)
Name of God; Asked of God; Heard by God. Samuel Was the Prophet Who Anointed Saul and David As Kings of Israel in the Old Testament
233 names found for "Tame"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Heber | Moreh | Saunders | Zarina | Jayar | Aubriana | Phanessa | Chepe | Cato | Swaantje | Zahid | Naaman | Fronde | Leonardo | Jantis |