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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 22 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Berne  (English)
Variant of Bernard Strong As a Bear
Bernhald  (German)
Variant of Bernal: Strong Bear
Bernhard  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave As a Bear
Bernhardo  (German)
Variant of Bernard: Brave As a Bear
Bernhold  (German)
Variant of Bernal: Strong Bear
Bernice  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernice  (Greek)
A Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Herod Agrippa Ii, Her Broth
Bernie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Bernice: a Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Hero
Berniss  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Berniss  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernold  (German)
Variant of Bernal: Strong Bear
Berny  (Greek)
Diminutive of Bernice: a Variant of Berenice, Meaning Bringer of Victory. The New Testament Bernice, Called Berenice in Some Passages, Was Thought to Have Had an Incestuous Relationship With King Hero
Bernyce  (Greek)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Bernyce  (French)
One Who Brings Victory. Variant of Berenice
Berresford  (English)
Variant of Beresford: Barley Field
Berta  (English)
Variant of Bertha: from Old English Beorht Meaning Bright. in Use Since the Norman Conquest. in World War I a German Howitzer Was Nicknamed Big Bertha
Bertel  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Bertil: Bright
Berthold  (English)
Variant of Bert: Bright Light
Berthoud  (German)
Variant of Berthold: Bright Strength
Bertie  (English)
A Diminutive of Bertram, Bertrand, Albert, and Other Names Ending in -bert. Noble, Bright. Variant of Bert, Meaning Industrious
Bertin  (English)
Variant of Bert Industrious
Bertin  (Spanish)
Variant of Berton: Good Friend. Famous Bearer: Canadian Singer/Songwriter Burton Cummings
Bertold  (English)
Variant of Bert: Bright Light
Bertold  (German)
Variant of Berthold: Bright Strength
Bertolde  (English)
Variant of Bert: Bright Light
Bertolde  (German)
Variant of Berthold: Bright Strength
Bertram  (English)
Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest, a Variant of the German Bertram. Bright Raven
Bertrand  (German)
Variant of Bertram: Brightly-coloured Raven
Bertrand  (English)
Variant of Bertram: Introduced to Britian During the Norman Conquest, a Variant of the German Bertram. Bright Raven
Berwyn  (English)
Variant of Berwin: Harvest-time Friend
Berwynn  (English)
Variant of Berwin: Harvest-time Friend
Berwynne  (English)
Variant of Berwin: Harvest-time Friend
Beta  (Greek)
Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Beta  (English)
Variant of Elizabeth, , Meaning My God is Bountiful, or God of Plenty, Originally Derived from a Central and Eastern European Name
Beta  (Hebrew)
Variant of Elisabeth: from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction
Bethanee  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethani  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethanie  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethann  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Betool  (Muslim)
Variant of Batul: Ascetic Virgin. Maiden
Bettina  (Greek)
Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Bettina  (Hebrew)
Variant of Elisabeth: from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction
Bettina  (Spanish)
A Spanish or Italian Variant of the Hebrew Elizabeth; Meaning 'My God is Plentiful
Bettina  (Italian)
A Spanish or Italian Variant of the Hebrew Elizabeth; Meaning My God is Plentiful
Bettrys  (Latin)
Variant of Beatrix: Bringer of Joy, Brings Joy, Happy
Betul  (Muslim)
Variant of Batul: Ascetic Virgin. Maiden
Beverlee  (English)
Variant of Beverly: Beaver Stream
Beverleigh  (English)
Variant of Beverly: Beaver Stream
Bevon  (Welsh)
Variant of Bevan: Evan's Son
Bhaswar  (Hindu)
Variant of Bhasvah: Light
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 22 of 121) 

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Additional Names

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