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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 25 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Bradfurd  (English)
Variant of Bradford: Broad Stream
Bradlea  (English)
Variant of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bradleigh  (English)
Variant of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bradlie  (English)
Variant of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bramm  (Gaelic)
Variant of Bram: Raven
Brammel  (English)
Variant of Bramwell: Place Name in Britain
Bramwel  (English)
Variant of Bramwell: Place Name in Britain
Bran  (Gaelic)
Variant of Bram: Raven
Brand  (German)
Fiery Torch; Beacon. Also a Variant of Brandon. Brandt: (German) 'Fiery Torch; Beacon.'
Branda  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Brandan  (Irish)
Variant of Brendan: Prince, or Brave. Some Scholars Believe Brendan Means 'stinking Hair'
Brandee  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Brandelyn  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Brandi  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Brandice  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Brandie  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Brandilyn  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Brandon  (Irish)
Variant of Brendan: Prince, or Brave. Some Scholars Believe Brendan Means 'stinking Hair'
Brandyce  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Brandyn  (English)
Variant of the Beverage Brandy Used As a Given Name
Branik  (Czech)
Variant of Bronislav: Glorious Armor
Branislav  (Czech)
Variant of Bronislav: Glorious Armor
Brann  (Gaelic)
Variant of Bram: Raven
Brannan  (Irish)
Variant of Brandon
Brannen  (Irish)
Variant of Brandon
Brannon  (Irish)
Variant of Brandon
Brannt  (English)
Variant of Brant: Proud
Branson  (Irish)
Variant of Brandon
Brant  (English)
Proud; Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant Was a Renowned Strategist Who Fought for the British During the American Revolution; and a Devout Scholar Who Translated Christian Religious Works i
Branton  (English)
Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant Was a Renowned Strategist Who Fought for the British During the American Revolution; and a Devout Scholar Who Translated Christian Religious Works into His
Brantson  (English)
Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant Was a Renowned Strategist Who Fought for the British During the American Revolution; and a Devout Scholar Who Translated Christian Religious Works into His
Branwel  (English)
Variant of Bramwell: Place Name in Britain
Brazil  (Irish)
Variant of Brasil: War
Brea  (Irish)
Hill. Also Variant of Brina and Breanna
Breasal  (Irish)
Pain. Also a Variant of Brasil: War
Breen  (Irish)
Fairy Palace. Also Variant of Brianna and Sabrina
Breen  (Gaelic)
Fairy Palace. Also Variant of Brianna and Sabrina
Breena  (Irish)
Fairy Palace. Also Variant of Brianna and Sabrina
Breena  (Gaelic)
Fairy Palace. Also Variant of Brianna and Sabrina
Brenden  (Irish)
Prince; Smelly Hair. Variant of Brendan
Brendin  (Irish)
Prince; Smelly Hair. Variant of Brendan
Brendon  (Irish)
Prince; Smelly Hair. Variant of Brendan
Brendt  (Celtic)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brendt  (English)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Breneon  (English)
Variant of Brent: Mountain Peak
Brenn  (Irish)
Prince. Variant of Brendan
Brenna  (Irish)
Variant of Brenda. Beacon on the Hill Little Raven
Brennan  (Irish)
Raven. Also 'Little Drop; Prince.' Variant of Brendan
Brennen  (Irish)
Prince. Variant of Brendan
Brennon  (Irish)
Prince. Variant of Brendan
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 25 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Marek | Mathieu | Nichole | Jessie | Teaghue | Brecc | Serenity | Cara | Adonia | Madog | Kanaye | Thearl | Sacheverell | Baldwyn | Meli |