Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.
Bria(Irish) Hill. Also Variant of Brina and Breanna
Briano(Celtic) Variant of Brian: Brave; Virtuous. Famous Bearers: Canadian Singer Brian Adams and British Singer Bryan Ferry
Bride(Irish) Variant of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning the High One or Strength. Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry
Bride(Celtic) A Variant of the Celtic Bridget, Meaning Strong. Although Bride Was Once a Common Name in England and Scotland, it is Rarely Seen Today
Bridge(English) Variant of Bridger: Lives Near a Bridge
Bridgeley(English) Variant of Bridgely: from the Meadow Near the Bridge
Bridie(Celtic) Diminutive of Bride: a Variant of the Celtic Bridget, Meaning Strong. Although Bride Was Once a Common Name in England and Scotland, it is Rarely Seen Today
Brielle(Irish) Hill. Also Variant of Brina and Breanna
Brigid(Irish) A Variant of Bridget, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength. The Th Century Irish Abbess Brigid Founded Ireland's First Women's Religious Community. in Great Britain, She Was Known As St Bridget or St B
Brigitta(Irish) Variant of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the Br
Brigitte(Irish) Variant of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the Br