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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 43 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Daviel  (English)
Variant of David 'Beloved.'
Davies  (Welsh)
Surname. Variant of David 'Beloved.'
Davin  (French)
Variant of David 'Beloved.'
Davion  (English)
Variant of David 'Beloved.'
Daviot  (English)
Variant of David 'Beloved.'
Davyn  (Welsh)
Variant of David 'Beloved.'
Dawood  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Dawoud  (Muslim)
Variant of Daud: the Biblical David is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Dawud  (African)
Variant of Daudi: Swahili Name Meaning 'Beloved'
Daylan  (English)
Rhyming Variant of Waylon - a Historical Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers
Daylen  (English)
Rhyming Variant of Waylon - a Historical Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers
Daylin  (English)
Rhyming Variant of Waylon - a Historical Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers
Daylon  (English)
Rhyming Variant of Waylon - a Historical Blacksmith With Supernatural Powers
Daymon  (Greek)
Variant of Damon: Gentle; to Tame
Dayna  (English)
From Denmark. Also a Variant of Daniel
Dayne  (English)
Variant of Dane: Brook. Also from the Surname Dane, Meaning 'From Denmark.'
Dayne  (English)
From Denmark. Also a Variant of Daniel
Dayner  (English)
Variant of Dane 'From Denmark.'
Dayson  (English)
Surname. Variant of David 'Beloved.'
Deaclan  (Irish)
Variant of Declan: Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish St. Declan
Deana  (English)
From the Valley. Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Deanda  (English)
Blend of Deanne: (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea: (Masculine) and Sandra: (Protector of Man. )
Deandra  (English)
Blend of Deanne: (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea: (Masculine) and Sandra: (Protector of Man. )
Deandrea  (English)
Blend of Deanne: (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea: (Masculine) and Sandra: (Protector of Man. )
Deandria  (English)
Blend of Deanne: (Divine) Plus Variants of Andrea: (Masculine) and Sandra: (Protector of Man. )
Deane  (English)
Variant of Dean: from the Valley
Deane  (English)
From the Valley. Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Deann  (English)
Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Deanna  (Latin)
Variant of Diana: Fertile. God, Devine. Famous Bearer: Diana Was the Roman Goddess of Fertility and Childbirth, of Hunting, and the Moon
Deanna  (English)
From the Valley. Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Deanne  (French)
Variant of Diane: the French Form of the Latin Diana. Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana Was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness; Often Depicted As a Huntress. Greek Goddess of the Moon
Deanne  (English)
Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Dearbourn  (English)
Variant of Dearborn: Deer River
Deavon  (English)
Variant of the English County Name Devon
Debra  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Debrah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Debralee  (Hebrew)
Variant of Deborah: Bee. Deborah Was the Biblical Prophetess Who Summoned Barak to Battle Against an Army of Invaders. After the Battle She Wrote a Victory Song Which is Part of the Book of Judges
Dedric  (German)
Gifted Ruler. Variant of Diederick
Dedrick  (Dutch)
Gifted Ruler. Variant of Diederick
Dedrick  (English)
Gifted Ruler. Variant of Diederick
Deeana  (English)
Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Deeandra  (English)
Blend of Deanne, Meaning Divine, Plus Variants of Andrea (Masculine) and Sandra (Protector of Man. )
Deeann  (English)
Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Deeanna  (English)
Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Deebe  (Muslim)
Variant of Dibi: Brocade. Gold Tissue
Deedra  (Irish)
Melancholy. A Variant of the Older Name Deirdre. in Celtic Legend Deirdre Died of a Broken Heart
Deena  (English)
Variant of Diana Meaning Divine
Deepak  (Hindu)
Variant of Dipak: Lamp
Deerborn  (English)
Variant of Dearborn: Deer River
Deetra  (Greek)
Variant of Demetria
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 43 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Iola | Leota | Mathilde | Kalil | Leena | Carney | Bates | Dathan | Moira | Amymone | Richmond | Kenisha | Vasanth | Fielding | Allsun |