Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.
Dorotha(English) Variant of the Greek Dorothy Meaning Gift of God
Dorothee(English) Variant of the Greek Dorothy Meaning Gift of God
Dorothy(Greek) Variant of Dorothea: Gift of God. A Vision. Famous Bearer: St Dorothea Was Martyred at the Beginning of the Th Century
Dorothy(English) Gift of God. A Variant of Dorothea and the Most Common Form of the Name in English- Speaking Countries. Famous Bearer: the Young Heroine of 'The Wizard of Oz', Played by Judy Garland in the Film
Dortha(English) Variant of the Greek Dorothy Meaning Gift of God
Dot(English) Diminutive of Dorothy: Gift of God. A Variant of Dorothea and the Most Common Form of the Name in English- Speaking Countries. Famous Bearer: the Young Heroine of 'The Wizard of Oz', Played by Judy Ga
Dreda(English) Diminutive of Etheldreda: from the Old English Name Aethelthryth, Meaning Noble and Strength. Diminutive of Eldreda: the Feminine Form of Eldred, Which is a Variant of Aldred, Meaning Old Counsel, or