Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.
Eliot(Greek) Variant of Elias: the Greek Form of the Hebrew Elijah, Meaning Jehovah is God
Eliot(English) Variant of Elliot: God on High; My God is Jehovah. from a Surname Derived from a Medieval Abbreviation of the Greek Elias. Variant of Elijah
Eliott(English) Variant of Elliot: God on High; My God is Jehovah. from a Surname Derived from a Medieval Abbreviation of the Greek Elias. Variant of Elijah
Elisabet(Scandinavian) Variant of English/Hebrew Name Elizabeth. My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty
Elisabetta(Italian) Variant of English/Hebrew Name Elizabeth. My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty
Elisai(Hebrew) Variant of Elikai: God is My Savior; God is My Salvation
Elise(Hebrew) Variant of Elisabeth: from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction
Elise(Greek) Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Elisia(Greek) Devoted to God. Also a Variant of Elissa, Meaning: from the Blessed Isles
Ellecia(English) Variant of Elias Which is the Greek Form of Elijah
Elleen(Irish) Variant of Helen, Meaning Light; Most Beautiful Woman
Ellen(English) A Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman. Famous Bearer: British Actress Dame Ellen Terry
Ellen(Greek) Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Ellena(English) Variant of Helen. Means Light or Most Beautiful Woman
Ellene(English) Variant of Helen. Means Light or Most Beautiful Woman
Ellice(English) Variant of Elias Which is the Greek Form of Elijah
Ellie(English) Diminutive of Ellen: a Variant of the Greek Helen, Meaning Shining Light, or Most Beautiful Woman
Ellie(French) Diminutive of Eleanor: a Variant of Helen Introduced into Britain in Th Century Ad by King Henry Ii's Wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine
Elliot(English) God on High; My God is Jehovah. from a Surname Derived from a Medieval Abbreviation of the Greek Elias. Variant of Elijah
Elliot(Greek) Variant of Elias: the Greek Form of the Hebrew Elijah, Meaning Jehovah is God
Elliott(English) Variant of Elliot: God on High; My God is Jehovah. from a Surname Derived from a Medieval Abbreviation of the Greek Elias. Variant of Elijah
Elliott(Greek) Variant of Elias: the Greek Form of the Hebrew Elijah, Meaning Jehovah is God
Ellis(Greek) Variant of Elias: the Greek Form of the Hebrew Elijah, Meaning Jehovah is God