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Names That Mean Varian

6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 59 of 121) 

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Looking for names that mean Varian? We couldn't find the exact name Varian, but listed below are some first names meaning Varian or names similar to the word Varian.

Similar Names

Varen | Varun | Varana | Varina |

Related Names

Falconner  (English)
Variant of Falkner: Falconer; One Who Trains Falcons
Faleen  (Hindu)
Variant of Falan: Fertile
Falit  (Hindu)
Variant of Falan: Fertile
Fanceen  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Fanni  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Fannia  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Fannie  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Fanny  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances. Derived from Frances. Famous Bearer: the Fictional Heroine of John Cleland's 'Fanny Hill'
Fanousek  (Czech)
Variant of Frantisek: Frenchman
Fantine  (English)
Pet Name Meaning Free; Variant of Frances
Faqeer  (Muslim)
Variant of Faqir: Poor. Sufi Mendicant
Faraasat  (Muslim)
Variant of Farasat: Keen Eye. Discernment
Faraaz  (Muslim)
Variant of Faraz: Elevation
Farag  (Arabic)
Variant of Faraj: Cure
Farall  (Irish)
Variant of Farrell: Brave Man
Faran  (English)
Variant of Faron: English Surname
Farand  (French)
Variant of Ferrand: Gray-haired
Faraq  (Arabic)
Variant of Farouk: Truth
Fareed  (Muslim)
Variant of Farid: Unique. Alone
Fareedah  (Muslim)
Variant of Faridah: Unique. Matchless. Precious Pearl or Gem
Farees  (Muslim)
Variant of Faris: Perspicacity. Also a Horseman or Knight
Farhaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Farhan: Merry. Gay (Happy)
Farhaana  (Muslim)
Variant of Farhana: Happy. Joyful. Cheerful. Glad
Farill  (Irish)
Variant of Farrell: Brave Man
Farin  (English)
Variant of Faron: English Surname
Farmaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Farman: Decree. Edict
Farnam  (English)
Variant of Farnham: Fern Meadow
Farnlea  (English)
Variant of Farnley: Fern Field
Farnleigh  (English)
Variant of Farnley: Fern Field
Farnum  (English)
Variant of Farnham: Fern Meadow
Faron  (German)
Variant of Ferdinand: an Old German Name, from 'Fardi' Meaning Journey and 'Nanthi' Meaning Venture. Famous Bearers Include Three Holy Roman Emperors and Several Spanish and Italian Kings
Farook  (Hindu)
Variant of Faruq: Moral
Farooq  (Hindu)
Variant of Faruq: Moral
Faroqh  (Arabic)
Variant of Farouk: Truth
Farquar  (Scottish)
Variant of Farquhar: Dear One
Farquarson  (Scottish)
Variant of Farquhar: Dear One
Farran  (English)
Variant of Faron: English Surname
Farran  (German)
Variant of Ferdinand: an Old German Name, from 'Fardi' Meaning Journey and 'Nanthi' Meaning Venture. Famous Bearers Include Three Holy Roman Emperors and Several Spanish and Italian Kings
Farrand  (French)
Variant of Ferrand: Gray-haired
Farrant  (French)
Variant of Ferrand: Gray-haired
Farren  (German)
Variant of Ferdinand: an Old German Name, from 'Fardi' Meaning Journey and 'Nanthi' Meaning Venture. Famous Bearers Include Three Holy Roman Emperors and Several Spanish and Italian Kings
Farrin  (English)
Variant of Faron: English Surname
Farron  (English)
Variant of Faron: English Surname
Farrun  (English)
Variant of Faron: English Surname
Farryl  (Irish)
Variant of Farrell: Brave Man
Farun  (English)
Variant of Faron: English Surname
Farzaana  (Muslim)
Variant of Farzana: Intelligent. Wise
Fasaahat  (Muslim)
Variant of Fasahat: Fluency. Eloquence
Faseaha  (Muslim)
Variant of Fasiha: Literary. Eloquent
Faseeh  (Muslim)
Variant of Fasih: Eloquent. Literary. Wide. Ample
6032 names found for "Varian"   (page 59 of 121) 

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Additional Names

Ameera | Zyta | Gorsedd | Alessandro | Guinevere | Bendigeidfran | Fredrika | Nura | Earie | Gagan | Satyaprakash | Machaon | Eurybia | Mychele | Cristiona |