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Names That Mean Chief

179 names found for "Chief"   (page 2 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Chief? We couldn't find the exact name Chief, but listed below are some first names meaning Chief or names similar to the word Chief.

Similar Names

Chev | Chip | Chipo |

Related Names

Gudmund  (Norse)
A Chieftain
Hal  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Hal  (Norse)
War Chief
Harald  (Danish)
War Chief
Harald  (Norse)
War Chief
Harold  (Norse)
War Chief
Harry  (Norse)
War Chief
Heahweard  (English)
Chief Guardian
Herrick  (Norse)
War Chief
Herryk  (Norse)
War Chief
Hersi  (Norse)
A Chieftain
Hiamovi  (Native American)
High Chief (Cheyenne)
Hiamovi  (Native American)
High Chief
Howard  (English)
Bold Heart. Hog-warden. Chief Guardian. Derived from the Old German Huguard. Famous Bearer: American Industrialist Howard Hughes (-)
Howland  (English)
From the Chiefs Land
Imaam  (Muslim)
Variant of Imam: Leader. Chief
Imam  (Muslim)
Leader. Chief
Ingred  (Scandinavian)
Battle or Chief; or Old English
Jorunn  (Norse)
Chiefs Love
Kadmonites  (Biblical)
Ancients; Chiefs
Kalani  (Hawaiian)
The Sky; Chieftain
Kalani  (Hawaiian)
The Sky;Chieftain
Kalanie  (Hawaiian)
The Sky;Chieftain
Kaloni  (Hawaiian)
The Sky;Chieftain
Keilani  (Hawaiian)
Glorious Chief
Kelii  (Hawaiian)
Kenadia  (American)
Kenadie  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Helmeted Chief
Kendon  (Gaelic)
Brave Chieftain
Kendric  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Jehovah Has Remembered. Surname
Kendric  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrick  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrick  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrik  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrik  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrix  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrix  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kennard  (Gaelic)
Brave Chieftain
Kennedi  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Helmeted Chief
Kennedy  (Scottish)
A Surname Derived from the Irish Ceinneidigh, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Ceann (Head, Chief, Leader) and Eidigh (Ugly).(Ken-neh-dee)
Kennedy  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Chief With Helmet
Kenner  (Gaelic)
Brave Chieftain
Kenrick  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenrick  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenrick  (English)
Royal Ruler. Chief Hero. Used More Commonly As a Surname
Kenrik  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenrik  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kent  (Celtic)
Kentigem  (Celtic)
Kentigern  (Celtic)
Chief Lord. Name of the First Bishop of Glasgow
179 names found for "Chief"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Kubera | Royce | Kendi | Hippolytus | Dominick | Anneliese | Sheshashayan | Lula | Torkel | Prarthana | Mazel | Kyledyr | Abraham | Abraham | Kamini |