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Names That Mean Chief

179 names found for "Chief"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Chief? We couldn't find the exact name Chief, but listed below are some first names meaning Chief or names similar to the word Chief.

Similar Names

Chev | Chip | Chipo |

Related Names

Kenton  (English)
Royal Chieftain. Derived from the Surname and Place Name, Kent
Kentrell  (English)
Royal Chieftain
Khanh  (Arabic)
Prince. Title Used by Central Asian Tribal Chieftains and Ruling Princes
Khanh  (Turkish)
Prince. Title Used by Central Asian Tribal Chieftains and Ruling Princes
Kim  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Kimball: Chief of War. Leader
Kimball  (Welsh)
Warrior Chief
Kimberly  (Celtic)
Kimble  (Welsh)
Warrior Chief
Kiral  (Turkish)
Supreme Chief
Kyle  (Scottish)
Kynan  (Welsh)
Kynan  (Welsh)
Lesharo  (Native American)
Lorn  (Scottish)
Variant of Lorne: the Name of an Early Scottish Chieftain and a Place Name. Famous Bearer: Canadian Actor Lorne Green (-)
Lorne  (Scottish)
The Name of an Early Scottish Chieftain and a Place Name. Famous Bearer: Canadian Actor Lorne Green (-)
Ludlow  (English)
Mountain of the Chief
Mal  (Irish)
Malloy  (Irish)
Noble Chief
Malvin  (Irish)
Malvin  (Gaelic)
Polished Chief
Malvina  (English)
Maolmin  (Gaelic)
Polished Chief
Maolmin  (Gaelic)
Polished Chief
Melva  (Celtic)
Chief. Handmaiden
Melvern  (American)
Great Chief
Melvin  (Irish)
Melvina  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Armored Chief
Melvyn  (Irish)
Meredith  (Welsh)
Guardian of the Sea. Great Chief. This Name Can Be Given to Children of Either Gender, But is More Common Among Girls
Meredith  (Welsh)
Magnificent. Great Chief. Great Lady. This Name Can Be Given to Children of Either Gender, But is More Common Among Girls
Merry  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Meredith: Guardian of the Sea. Great Chief. This Name Can Be Given to Children of Either Gender, But is More Common Among Girls
Merry  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Meredith: Magnificent. Great Chief. Great Lady. Used for Both Genders, But Most Common Among Girls
Molloy  (Irish)
Noble Chief
Mulcahy  (Irish)
Battle Chief
Nantai  (American)
Nantai  (Native American)
Naqeeb  (Muslim)
Variant of Naqib: Chief. Lawyer
Naqib  (Muslim)
Chief. Lawyer
Nels  (Celtic)
Nels  (Swedish)
Nils  (Swedish)
Ogima  (American)
Pravar  (Indian)
Ra'ees  (Muslim)
Variant of Ra'Is: Head. Chief
Ra'is  (Muslim)
Head. Chief
Rab-saris  (Biblical)
Chief of the Eunuchs
Rexford  (English)
Variant of Rex 'Chieftain; Ruler.' Surname
Rexford  (Latin)
Variant of Rex 'Chieftain; Ruler.' Surname
Rexton  (English)
Variant of Rex 'Chieftain; Ruler.' Surname
Rexton  (Latin)
Variant of Rex 'Chieftain; Ruler.' Surname
179 names found for "Chief"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Migina | Valencia | Zita | Will | Morgana | Marianna | Arka | Caw | Brilliant | Berengaria | Terence | Benaiah | Yolanda | Benat | Stephan |