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Names That Mean Chief

179 names found for "Chief"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Chief? We couldn't find the exact name Chief, but listed below are some first names meaning Chief or names similar to the word Chief.

Similar Names

Chev | Chip | Chipo |

Related Names

Ahasuerus  (Biblical)
Prince; Head; Chief
Ailani  (Hawaiian)
High Chief
Aldercy  (English)
Alpheus  (Biblical)
A Thousand; Learned; Chief
Ameer  (Islamic)
Prince, Commander, Chief, Leader
Annawan  (Native American)
Variant of Annawon: Algonquin Name Meaning Chief
Annawon  (Native American)
Algonquin Name Meaning Chief
Asgrim  (Norse)
In Njal's Saga the Chieftain of Tongue
Cameron  (Celtic)
Crooked Nose. Nickname of a Highland Chieftain With a Crooked Nose
Cameron  (Gaelic)
Crooked. from the Celtic Cameron Meaning Crooked Nose. Nickname of a Highland Chieftain With a Crooked Nose
Cedric  (Celtic)
War-chief, Versatile, Selfish, Talkative
Cedric  (English)
Cha'akmongwi  (Native American)
Crier Chief (Hopi)
Chowdhury  (Hindu)
Chief of Four. A Hereditary Title of Honor, Awarded by Moghul Emperors to Persons of Eminence
Cochise  (Native American)
Wood. Renowned Warrior Chief of the Chiricahua Apache
Conall Cernach  (Celtic)
Mythical Ulster Chieftain
Cynan  (Welsh)
Cynbal  (Welsh)
Warrior Chief
Cynbel  (Welsh)
Warrior Chief
Cynddelw  (Welsh)
Chief Statue
Cyndeyrn  (Welsh)
Head Chief
Dasan  (Native American)
Don  (Irish)
Diminutive of Donovan: Brown-haired Chieftain. from an Irish Surname Meaning Dark Brown
Donal  (Irish)
Great Chief, World Mighty. The Irish Form of the English Donald
Donal  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donald  (Celtic)
Proud Chief, Sprightly, Pleasure-loving, Sentimental
Donavan  (Irish)
Brown-haired Chieftain
Donavon  (Irish)
Brown-haired Chieftain
Donell  (Irish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donnel  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donnel  (Irish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donnell  (Irish)
Variant of Donnelly: Man With Dark Skin. Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donnell  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donny  (Irish)
Diminutive of Donovan: Brown-haired Chieftain. from an Irish Surname Meaning Dark Brown
Donovan  (Irish)
Brown-haired Chieftain. from an Irish Surname Meaning Dark Brown
Duncan  (Celtic)
Brown Chief, Athletic, Jocular, Confident, Erratic in His Affections
Earl  (Anglo Saxon)
Nobleman, Chief
Earl  (Anglo Saxon)
Earle  (Anglo Saxon)
Einar  (Scandinavian)
Warrior Chief
Eorl  (Anglo Saxon)
Erling  (Norse)
Chiefs Son
Farica  (German)
Chief of Peace
Flosi  (Norse)
A Chieftain
George  (Greek)
Farmer, Husband Good-natured, Vivacious, Healthy, Chief Fault-tactlessness (Geordie, Geordy, Georgie, Jorge)
Geronimo  (Greek)
Sacred Name. Variant of the Saint's Name Jerome. Th Century American Indian Geronimo Was One of the Last of the Apache Warrior Chiefs
Griff  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
Griffen  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion. Note: This Database is Copyright , Muse Creation
Griffith  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief, Fierce, Strong Warrior or Lord. Derived from the Welsh Name Groffudd. Common As Both a Surname and a Given Name
Gryphon  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
179 names found for "Chief"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Noleta | Bronson | Prithviraj | Ritter | Anisia | Kerwin | Medwin | Maelwine | Jovan | Andrena | Manishankar | Mattatha | Reagan | Aziza | Parkin |