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Names That Mean Rock

233 names found for "Rock"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Rock? We couldn't find the exact name Rock, but listed below are some first names meaning Rock or names similar to the word Rock.

Similar Names

Raca | Race | Ric | Rice | Rich | Rick | Ricki | Ricky | Rico | Roark |

Related Names

Ebenezar  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Ebenezeer  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Ebenezer  (Hebrew)
Rock or Stone of Help. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Samuel Gave the Name Ebenezer to a Stone Set Up in Recognition of God's Assistance in Defeating the Philistines; Miserly Ebenezer Scrooge in Cha
Elizur  (Biblical)
God is My Strength; My Rock; Rock of God
Elvis  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Alvis: Origin Uncertain, But May Be from Scandanavian Meaning All-wise. Alvis Occurs in Norse Mythology. Famous Bearer: Late 'King of Rock and Roll' Elvis Presley
Farris  (Greek)
Fearghus  (Gaelic)
Feargus  (Gaelic)
Rock. Also a Variant of 'Fearghas', Derived from the Celtic for 'Man' and 'Choice'
Feoras  (Irish)
Feoras  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Smooth Rock
Ferghus  (Gaelic)
Fergie  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Fergus: Rock. Also a Variant of 'Fearghas', Derived from the Celtic for 'Man' and 'Choice'
Fergus  (Gaelic)
Rock. Also a Variant of 'Fearghas', Derived from the Celtic for 'Man' and 'Choice'
Ferris  (Celtic)
Flint  (English)
Hard Quartz Rock
Freystein  (Norse)
Rock Hard
Geirstein  (Norse)
Rock or Hard Spear
Gladstone  (English)
Surname Derived from a Name of a Place Composed of the Old English Elements Glaed (Kite) and Stan (Rock, Stone). (Glad-stone)
Hallbjorn  (Norse)
Rock Bear
Halvard  (Norse)
Rock Defender
Halvard  (Swedish)
Rock Enclosure
Halvor  (Norse)
Rock Defender
Helkath-hazzurim  (Biblical)
The Field of Strong Men; or of Rocks
Iwa  (Japanese)
Kraig  (Welsh)
Variant of Craig: Rock
Krocka  (Czechoslovakian)
Moves Slowly
Lave  (Italian)
Burning Rock
Lorelei  (German)
'Temptress'; a Rocky Cliff on the Rhine River Dangerous to Boat Passage; the Lorelei Whose Singing Lures Men to Destruction
Panos  (Greek)
Parkin  (English)
Little Rock
Parle  (English)
Little Rock
Parnall  (English)
Little Rock
Parnella  (French)
Pauloc  (English)
Little Rock
Peadair  (Greek)
Peader  (Gaelic)
A Rock, Stone; Popular Gaelic Form of Peter (A Rock, a Stone). Pet Name: Peidearan. (Pee-der)
Pearce  (Anglo Saxon)
Pebbles  (American)
Small Rocks
Pedar  (Greek)
Peder  (Greek)
Pedr  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Peter 'Rock'
Pedro  (Spanish)
A Rock
Pedro  (Portuguese)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Pedro  (Hispanic)
Form of Petro, a Rock
Pedro  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Peter: Stone; Rock
Pedro  (Greek)
Variant of Peter: Stone; Rock
Peer  (German)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Peer  (Scandinavian)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Peers  (English)
A Rock
Peirce  (English)
233 names found for "Rock"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Taregan | Aibak | Gale | Cacue | Mirabella | Deshan | Methusaleh | Sylvana | Druce | Patrizia | Thor | Meilseoir | Ramey | Arndell | Samirah |